The pH Miracle for #Cancer is coming out next week. I thought you might enjoy a preview by reading the introduction - I am very, very grateful to be able to share with you my cancer research I call the New Biology(R). I also refer to my reserach as the pH Miracle - a new way of living, a new way of eating, a new way of thinking.
Some of the questions I will be covering in the pH Miracle for #Cancer include:
What is #cancer?
What’s the cause of all cancers? (Is cancer a mutant cell, a virus, a mold? Or is cancer an acidic liquid?) Is cancer a noun or is it actually an adjective that explains what’s happening to the body cells? Are tumors bad or good? What role does the lymphatic system play in preventing and reversing a cancerous condition?
The focus for preventing and reversing cancer must be on the alkaline pH of the body fluids as a systemic acidic condition. The key to preventing and/or reversing cancer is to obtain the necessary sustainable energy for optimal body function and the elimination of toxic acidic waste products from diet, metabolism, respiration and the environment that all contribute to the cause of a cancerous condition.
Most of the last 30 years of my cancer research has been focused on what is happening to the cells as it pertains specifically to the environment around those cells. I love this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” The focus of my cancer research has been specifically on what lies within us and, more specifically, how the internal fluids of the body affect the health, energy, and vitality of the human cell, tissues, organs and glands. Dr Benjamin Rush, eminent physician and signer of the Declaration of Independence, said: "Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an underground dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.”
As I think about my vision, the relative purpose of medicine I believe medicine must include not just the treatment but also the prevention of illness and the promotion of health and fitness, rather than just focusing all of our attention on a specific diagnosis or even the treatment of the disease. Because disease is an illusion! In reality, disease is the body trying to prevent over-acidification or fermentation or breakdown of the body cells, tissues, organs or glands.
Disease is the body in preservation mode trying to maintain the homeostasis of the internal fluids of the body, which are all alkaline.
I believe that the ultimate purpose of medicine is to help people discover something fundamental within themselves. And that is an awareness of the true source of wellbeing, the true source of joy, the true source of contentment that we all seek which lies in one’s mind and in one’s heart – which are the emotions and the spirit. And this is important so that you and I can all begin to be free from the process of grasping for happiness in a physical world.
To support this approach, this theory, I believe we must begin to embrace a more spiritual vision of ourselves and of humanity as a whole, while at the right time providing great love, care, and attention to the physical body. Then, and only then, will medicine (or the treatments that medicine is current performing) help people discover this non-physical, spiritual dimension of themselves. And when this happens I believe that we can live and work with less fear.
Rather than working in fear you can work in its opposite – you can work in faith. You are going to have less stress grasping to preserve the physical body at all costs, then I believe you can truly be happy, energetic, and free from ALL sickness and disease, especially cancer.
Several years ago Shelley and I had the opportunity to have a wonderful experience with Dr. Lawrence Carter who is the caretaker of the estate of Martin Luther King, at Morehouse College and also the protégé of M. L. King, and there he honored. The most important thing that I learned about Dr. Carter was his openness to not just thinking outside the box, because we talk a lot about thinking outside the box, but making our box of knowledge bigger. I would like to suggest rather than thinking outside the box as you contemplate my theories on the prevention and treatment of cancer but making your box bigger to include all truth. I would also suggest as you read this book that you do not have to think outside the box, you just need to make your box of knowledge bigger to allow for new technology, new biology, and new protocols that are effectively making the difference, specifically in the prevention and treatment of cancer.
I trully believe in the words of Ghandi when he said, “you must be the change you want to see.”
If you are looking for the cure for cancer, I believe you must be change you want to see. You'll have to look at cancer differently, not outside the box but inside the box making it bigger. Expanding your views and your perspective as it relates to prevention and the true cause of cancer.
Now, before you start exploring the pH Miracle for Cancer, I must start by defining a 'pH miracle'. I would suggest that a 'pH miracle' is a natural phenomenon, that is not currently understood by medical researchers, specifically in the cause and effect relationship. What is the cause? Is cancer a cause for disease? I say NO! Cancer is the body perfectly attempting to maintain alkaline homeostasis. Cancer is the body in perfect preservation mode trying to maintain its natural healthy alkaline design. So first, you must understand that cancer is unequivocally not a disease, but a symptom or better yet an effect of gastrointestinal, respiratory, environmental and metabolic acids that build up in the blood and then thrown off into the tissues poisoning and suppressing our immune system making it increasingly difficult to maintain the alkaline pH of the internal fluids of the body. Metabolic, respiratory, environmental and dietary acids also destroy the white cells’ ability to remove toxins and the cells which they spoil or degenerate.
What I’m simply suggesting is that cancer is not a cell, but an acidic toxic liquid that spoils and degenerated the body cells that make up our tissues, organs and glands. This happens when toxic acidic waste products are not properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination, which are urination, perspiration, respiration and defecation.
Let’s now look at the current medical definition of cancer. What is it? Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal body cells. If the spread is not controlled it can result in death. Cancer is caused by both external factors, some of which are known and are common in our society such as tobacco, chemicals, radiation (from our cellular phones) and internal factors: hormone imbalances, immune deficiency and gene mutations - which is what they’re suggesting. These factors may act together in a sequence to promote what is called carcinogenesis. This is the classical definition of cancer, taken directly from the American Cancer Society.
What is being suggested by current medical science is that the cancer is some mutating cell - a transmutation of the genes - triggered by internal or external factors. This is true but what is not understood is these internal or external factors are the acidic waste products of diet, metabolism, respiration and the environment. When you are dealing with any symptom or an effect, you need to look at the cause. Whether externally or internally, the focus traditionally has been to look at the matter or cells that make up your tissues, organs and glands rather than looking at the internal environment around the matter. And, to understand the cause of cancer is very simple just like the treatment. The New Biology® explains the cause and effect of all sickness and disease and specifically cancer as well as how to improve the quality and quantity of life without chemical therapy, radiation or surgery. The pH Miracle for Cancer is a drug-free protocol to a cure for cancer!
Let me give you an example. Enervation (ie, lack of energy), muscle weakness, you’ve probably seen the commercials on television, it’s a new disease they call restless legs syndrome (RLS) for which there are drugs that supposedly treat the syndrome. Current medical researchers want to put everything in a disease modality – a nice little box – that has a specific treatment. Yet restless legs syndrome is weakness or loss of electrical power to the muscles. It’s not a disease. But, by causing a flagging of the toxic elimination from the tissue, the blood becomes charged with these metabolic toxic acids and when it’s charged with these metabolic toxic acids the blood has to purify itself by throwing these metabolic toxic acids into the tissues to maintain its delicate pH balance of 7.365. This is what I call the body in preservation mode, which leads to what I refer to as latent tissue acidosis or acid build-up in the connective and fatty tissues. Acid is poison in the blood, and if that poison is not eliminated through urination, defecation, respiration or perspiration the body has to purify itself so it eliminates this acidic poison into the connective and fatty tissues. This is the disease, or is it? Not even skin challenges when the acids accumulate beyond the toleration point, a crisis takes place, which means that the acidic poison is being eliminated through the pores of the skin.
Looking at the 2012 statistics for cancer, this coming year in America we’re looking at 1,400,000 new cases of cancer. By the way, this statistic doesn’t even include skin cancer, which is actually bigger than lung cancer, breast cancer or prostate cancer combined. And, prostate cancer is known to be the leading cause of death in men while lung cancer being the leading cause of death in women. And yet when we look at cancer, the new incidents of cancer and the new diagnoses are skin cancers because the skin is the third kidney - the largest acid elimination organ for removing acidic toxic waste products. And if acids are not properly eliminated through normal elimination channels, then those acids are thrown out into the tissues and this is what’s not currently recognized or understood by medical science.
This is the way the blood maintains its delicate alkaline pH and purity by either eliminating acid through urination or defecation or throwing it into the connective or fatty tissues which leads to this crisis, this poisoning, this elimination through the pores of the skin, again the third kidney! And this is not a disease! The only disease is systemic, because acids flow out through your whole body. They are the waste products of metabolism, diet, respiration and the external toxic environment.
Your body is like a car. You are constantly on 24/7 and you require energy and when energy is being used, a waste product like carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide or lactic acid or uric acid is being created. So acid is constantly being created by the body cells, which has to be eliminated or it will cause cancer!
When energy is being used to think, to move, to breathe, at the same time an acidic waste product is being created and this acidic waste product needs to be eliminated. If the acid is not eliminated, it is pushed out into the connective tissue. It is your connective tissue that becomes the 'acid catcher' in order to maintain the purity and alkalinity of the blood. The blood has to maintain its purity and alkalinity and this is why the blood has a constant pH of 7.365. If it varies even just one-tenth of one point you can have ill effects. The proper healthy pH balance of the blood is 7.365. If the blood pH starts dropping or if it starts going up, the body will do whatever it can to maintain its delicate pH. This is very significant in order to understand the cause and treatment of cancer and why it’s not a cell but the spoiling of the cells by dietary and/or metabolic acids, which have not been properly eliminated through normal elimination. When you are enervated or fatigued you do not have the energy to move the acidic waste products out of the body to maintain the purity of the blood. When this happens the blood pushes these acidic waste products out into the connective and fatty tissues.
For example, when acidic waste elimination takes place through the mucus membrane of the nose, it is called a cold – catarrh of the nose. And when this crisis is repeated for years the mucus membrane thickens and ulcerates, and the bones enlarge, closing the passages. At this stage hay fever, then asthma develops. When the tonsils or any other respiratory passages become the seat of the crisis of acidity (because the acids were not properly eliminated through urination or defecation or respiration or perspiration) then we have tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, and finally cancer. You see, it’s progressive. It’s the same disease at different levels of acidity. All of these symptoms are happening in different progressions from the same thing – just different levels of states of acidosis.
When acid is located in the cranial cavity we have dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, muddle thinking, and/or forgetfulness. If the acids accumulate in the digestive area, we end up with irritable bowel syndrome, gastro intestinal problems, stenosis, and colitis. And, when the acids locate in the pelvic tissue, or in the breasts, we end up with micro-calcifications and finally cancerous breast and reproductive organs. When the body is in the preservation mode, it is using alkaline buffers such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium to neutralize or solidifiy the acidic liquid waste.
This is why I first see, using Ultrasound imaging, micro-calcifications in the pelvic area and in the breast tissue prior to the cancerous breast condition. The buffering of toxic acidic waste, forming micro-calcifications always precedes the cancerous condition of the tissue, organ or gland. Even in prostate cancer.
Hence all cancerous conditions are the expulsion of acids from the blood and then the tissues, organs and glands at different points and are essentially the same character evolving from the same cause, namely systemic acidosis – a crisis of toxemia. The description can be extended to every organ of the body: the lung, the liver, the pancreas, the bowels, the brain, including the largest organs which have the highest incidents, the skin. Any organ that is enervated or fatigued below the average standard (from stress of habit, from overstress at work, from worry, anxiety, fear, injury, etc.) may become the location of the crisis of systemic latent tissue acidosis. The symptoms are presented differently depending upon which organ is being affected. Which is what makes it appear as if every symptom complex is a separate and distinct disease. You need to begin thinking inside the box and make your box bigger.
I give thanks to this new light and knowledge shed upon nomen culture naming disease by the philosophy of The New Biology(R), every symptom complex goes back to the one and only cause of all so-called cancers, namely systemic latent tissue acidosis. To find the cause of all symptomologies – lung cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer, bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer, thyroid cancer, and prostate cancer – you start with colds and catarrh, and watch the pathology as is it travels from irritation to catarrh to inflammation to induration to ulceration and finally to degeneration or cancer - Nothing more than rotting degenerating tissues, organs or glands. And what is causing this transformation or the degeneration of the cell(s), including the gene transmutation? It is simply the spoiling of the cell(s) due to the build-up of dietary, respiratory, environmental and/or metabolic acids, which have not been properly eliminated through urination, defecation, respiration or perspiration!
Have you ever opened a refrigerator and smelt the spoiling of food at the back? What you are smelling is the acidic wastes from spoiling food! It’s not some germ, it’s not some virus, it’s not some mold that’s breaking the food down, it’s the acidic waste products that are breaking the tissue down and giving rise to the symptomology. Mold is like a smoking gun, the bullet being the acid. And yet it’s not the bullet or the acid that kills, and surely not the smoke or some gene mutation, or some bacteria or virus, but it is the person himself or herself that is pulling the acidic lifestyle and dietary trigger which then releases the acids that then tenderizes or spoils or rots the cells that make up your tissues, organs and glands. And, a cancerous condition always expresses itself first in the weakest parts of the body.
Nature’s order is interfered with by innovating acidic lifestyle and dietary habits until acidosis is established.
A vaccination as evidenced by the Spanish flu epidemic or an infection, in truth is literally an out-fection from the same source causing the most vulnerable organ, specifically the bowels, to take on organic or anatomical changes. The organ however has nothing to do with the cause, and directing treatment to the organ is actually compounding the problem. You cannot treat disease when in reality disease is the body in preservation mode trying to re-establish alkaline homeostasis when in a state of systemic acidosis that is affecting the weakest parts of the body, first!
When you realize that breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women and these fatty tissues (breast areas) are being used by the body to bind or collect acidic waste products in order to protect the organs that sustain life. And, by the way, when one does a mammogram and sees these micro-calcification in the breast tissue, this is an indication of a state of tissue acidosis – the body’s defensive mechanism to relieve or remove or neutralize and solidify acidity that has not been properly eliminated though urination, defecation, respiration or perspiration.
If you are dealing with a cancerous prostate, you are dealing with localized acidity. If you are dealing with lung cancer, you are dealing with localized acidity that has been caused by external or internal forces even though a cancerous condition begins from within. As you take in tobacco smoke, there are acids or toxins or poisons – one being sugar which breaks down to acetaldehyde, which tenderizes and rots the lung tissues. Tobacco smoking is not an addiction of nicotine alone. It is an addiction of sugar, which causes excess acidity in the lung causing lung cancer. The cause is always constant, ever present, always the same, only the effects change. To illustrate, a catarrh of the stomach presents first irritation, then inflammation, then ulceration, induration and finally degeneration or a cancerous stomach. Cancer is not at the first, it’s the culmination of deteriorating or broken tissue spoiled by an over-acidic stomach from an over-acidic lifestyle an diet.
Most people in the world are challenged with the symptomology of indigestion, which can include acid reflux, bloating, heartburn, burping, diarrhea, or even constipation. The proper way to study a disease is to study health in every aspect. Disease is perverted health. Cancer is perverted health – any influence that lowers energy becomes disease producing.
There’s an important question now to answer. Why do I crave sugar? It’s interesting when doing an MRI or a CAT scan. What is used but radioactive sugar that is taken up by the acidic cancerous cells – not cancer cells because we don’t have cancer cells, we have acidic cells or cancerous cells - cells that have been spoiled by the environment in which they live. So sugar cravings are the body’s need for sustainable energy. And energy can only be transported through a matrix of salt. Therefore sugar cravings are the body’s needs for salt, not sugar. I would suggest that sugar is an acid of cellular transformation – a waste product – not a product of energy, but a by-product of what the body truly uses which is electrical potential in the form of electrons.
The body doesn’t use carbohydrates, the body uses electrons to run. The body is electrical. And sugar is nothing more than an acidic waste product of cellular breakdown and transformation. Isn’t that what happens to the banana? As the banana moves from irritation to inflammation to induration and then to cancer, going from green to yellow to brown, getting its “liver spots” the same way you get liver spots, through excess fermentation and rotting. You do not say the banana has cancer, you say the banana is spoiling. In the same way you shouldn’t say that the lung has cancer but rather that the lung is spoiling – it is cancerous. Cancer is not a noun but an adjective expressing the process of cellular transformation. Again, sugar is the waste product. In fact, that’s why a banana gets sweeter and sweeter as it ferments. Consistently in my cancer research I see that we have a release of sugar from the breakdown of tissues, organs or glands. And to overcome sugar cravings you don’t have to eat sugar, you need to eat more salt. The secondary metabolites of this primary acid or sugar are acetaldehyde and ethanol alcohol. So sugar cravings are the body’s signal that the body needs more sustainable energy. You need energy to remove the acids of diet and metabolism – the body utilizing electrons for energy purposes. Food, water, sun, minerals, vitamins, drugs… are common choices made by us to achieve sustainable energy, but yet what you are looking for are the electrons from these sources. And your choices will determine whether or not your cravings will lead to true sustainable energy which maintains the alkaline integrity of the fluids of body and therefore the integrity of the tissues, organs and glands, or gives you false energy which creates this over-acidic state that leads to latent tissue acidosis which begins the process of spoiling of the tissues, organs and glands and finally a degenerative or cancerous condition.
Sugar stimulates and gives the body a deceptive quick-fix – it’s illusionary – whereas salt provides the matrix of life and gives your body the rise in sustainable energy, over a longer period of time, without the high and extreme lows that come from eating an acid – whether it be sugar or any other acidic foods or drinks.
It is the skin that suffers most, because if the body can’t eliminate the acids that are created through energy use, it throws the acidic wastes out into the connective and fatty tissues and into the lymphatic system. This is why the lymphatic system is so critical in the prevention of cancer and in the treatment of cancer, because it is the lymphatic system that is the vacuum cleaner of the acids that are in the interstitial fluids of the body, pulling these poisonous acids out in order to maintain the integrity of the tissue through diaphramic breathing and perspiration (that is if you are perspiring, which is one of the most important things you need to do on a daily basis to remove cancer causing acids). If you cannot eliminate your acidic wastes completely through urination, respiration or defecation then your body urinates through the skin – which is why there is over a million cases of skin cancer a year in the United States alone. It’s not talked about. Why? Because the etiology of skin cancer is not understood. It is unknown. Scientists don’t know what causes basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, they do not understand it because they don’t understand latent tissue acidosis and the importance of the lymphatic system as the vacuum cleaner to remove poisonous acidic wastes out via the kidneys and through perspiration. But people are not exercising, and this is why obesity and a lack of exercise have been associated with cancer. Yet when you are moving your body you are moving the acidic wastes out of the connective and fatty tissues, organs and glands. The lymphatic system, unlike the circulatory system, does not have a pump (the heart), it actually flows through movement. It is the diaphragm muscle that acts as a pump for the lymphatic system that moves acidic wastes through the system – out through perspiration or back into general circulation to be eliminated through urination.
If you don’t want cancer, if you want to prevent cancer, you have to pee or eliminate your acidic wastes through defecation, urination, respiration or perspiration.
And if you have a cancerous condition you have to pee your way to health. Because cancer is not a cell, but a poisonous acidic liquid. A cancer cell is a cell that has been spoiled or poisoned by the metabolic, respiratory, environmental and/or gastrointestinal acids that are produced internally, or may be taken in via the lungs or skin. That’s when the body will go into the preservation mode by forming fibrous materials, which cross-link to encapsulate the spoiled cancerous cells and thus forming the protective tumor. Hence, the tumor is the body’s protective mechanism to encapsulate spoiled or poisoned acidic cells from excess acidic wastes which have not been properly eliminated through urination, defecation, respiration and/or perspiration. The tumor is the body’s solution to protect healthy cells that make up tissues, organs and glands of the body. So, the tumor is not the problem. Let the tumor go. Let it do its job. The focus must be placed not on the tumor but on the internal environment around the tumor, which is full of acidic cells. One of the common acids which is in higher concentration around all tumors is lactic acid. Lactic acid is a by-product of metabolism when you are in a state of oxygen deprivation. Think of any cancerous condition as a systemic acidic condition that affects first the weakest parts of the body, not a local problem that metastasizes. You see metastasis is localized acids that spoil other cells much like a rotten apple placed in the center of a bushel of healthy apples will spoil the whole bushel. I call this the 'domino effect' where one acidic cell spoils another healthy cell causing a chain reaction. The body stops the 'domino effect' by forming the tumor around the cancerous or acidic body cells.
Therefore, there is no such thing as a cancer cell. A cancer cell in reality is a cancerous cell. Cancer is an adjective expressing the spoiling body cells that are rotting in an over-acidic environment. A cancerous cell was once a healthy cell that has been spoiled from an over-acidic lifestyle and diet and the body’s inability to remove these acids through the proper channels of elimination.
The only solution to the acidic toxic liquids that poison our body cells causing the effect that medical doctors call cancer, is to change the environment. It has to be a contextual approach. You must restore and maintain the alkaline design of the human body if you want to prevent or reverse a cancerous condition. This has been my great discovery of the 21st century – that the human organism is alkaline by design and acidic by function. Every part of the body that makes up every anatomical element, that makes up your genetic material, that makes up your body cells, every single part has to be bathed in an alkaline fluid which needs to be purified every 24 hours to remain healthy.
Early in the 19th century, beginning on January 17, 1912, a famous French physiologist of the Rockefeller Institute and Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Alexis Carrel, removed a very small piece of heart muscle from an un-hatched chicken embryo—still warm and living—and placed it in fresh nutrient solution in a glass flask of his own design. He transferred the tissue every forty-eight hours, during which time it doubled in size and had to be trimmed before being moved to its new flask. Every time he moved the heart he would put it into an alkaline saline solution with the appropriate alkalizing minerals. Twenty years later the heart tissue was still growing. Keep in mind that the average chicken lives for 5 – 7 years. So, after getting bored of singing “Happy Birthday” to the chicken heart for over twenty years he decided to pull the plug and not change the fluids every 48 hours and the heart finally died.
This is a very important discovery, which very few people know about. Why? Because it answers the question about why cells live and why cells die. You see, the life expectancy of the human cell is infinite. The body cells become compromised by their environment. Once you understand that matter cannot be created nor can it be destroyed it can only change its form or function, then you will realize that the environment is everything, the terrain is everything, and the cell is subservient to that.
The secret to Dr. Carrel’s chicken heart surviving for twenty years lies in this knowledge, this New Biology, this new way of living and thinking as we expand the box rather than thinking outside the box, that the cell is only as healthy as the alkaline fluids it is bathed in. The heart is only as healthy as the cells and the fluids they are bathed in. If you have any cancerous condition, this cancerous condition is the expression of your internal environment. The human cell will only breakdown in an acidic environment and become cancerous.
Carrel’s experiment brought me to the modern New Biology, the new understanding, the new expansion, the new medicine and the new definition of cancer – that the composition of our body fluids that bath the outside of our cells must be controlled very carefully from moment to moment and day to day with no single important constituent varying more than a one percent. This condition of health can be controlled and you can do it yourself!
In 1932 Otto Warburg received his Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering the cause of cancer. He described it as a cell changing its mode of respiration, its mode of metabolism – from respiration to fermentation. He suggested that cancer was the result of acidic environment, a state of oxygen deprivation. Warburg also wrote a paper entitled, “The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer.” He states: “There is no disease whose prime cause is better known - over acidity.”
When you understand this you realize that all conditions of cancer potentially can be reversed if the treatments are focused on the fluids and not the cells of the body. Therefore it doesn’t matter what the cancerous condition is, because cancer is not the cause but the effect of an over-acidic lifestyle and diet which is the cause of cancer. It’s you pulling the acidic lifestyle and dietary trigger that causes cancer. You do NOT get CANCER - You DO CANCER with your daily lifestyle and dietary choices!
After 30 years of doing blood research, after looking at thousands and thousands of cancerous patients, I’ve never seen healthy blood or an alkaline internal environment – whether testing the pH of the saliva, or the urine, or the blood, or the sweat, or the tears – they are all acidic in an over-acidic internal environment. I have come to understand that the human organism is alkaline by design and acidic by function, and if you maintain this alkaline design of your body through an alkaline lifestyle and diet you WiLL prevent all cancerous conditions. For the cure of cancer is not found in its treatment, because a cancerous condition is the body in preservation mode trying to restore its alkalinity. The cure for a cancerous condition will not be found in its treatment of the tissues but in maintaining the alkaline design of the body fluids.
As Thomas Edison said: "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will involve the patient in the proper use of food, fresh air and exercise.
The future is here and NOW and is found in the following chapters of pH Miracle for #Cancer.
My hope is The pH Miracle for #Cancer will expand your box of truth and knowledge to protect you from the acidic condition medical science calls #Cancer.
To pre-order The pH #Miracle for #Cancer goto:
Home » Archives for September 2013
The Introduction To The pH Miracle for Cancer by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young
Posted by luputtenan1 on Monday, September 30, 2013
Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures, The Jamaican Way
Posted by luputtenan1
In my previous blog I emphasized the need for Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures as a requirement for any system to operate properly. It is important that everyone understands the Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures and follow them if the system is to realize its full potential. However there is such a thing as having too much Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures, so much so that it retards the fluent operation of any system and introduces too much Red Tape and Bureaucracy which also provides a platform for corruption to thrive, as such a healthy balance is required for optimal performance of every system.
I have worked in companies that have in place too much Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures, they were way too conservative when it comes to change, with computer software code that is never touched once it is released into production, as updates and patches are never applied. One manager I worked with implemented a core piece of third party software in 1989 but refused any attempts by the company to apply any updates to the production code, maintaining the same code base for a decade but all hell broke loose when year 2000 came around because the Y2K version of the software had in it 10 years of changes. All the interfaces had changed and were now not compatible to all other interconnected systems.
There is no system more bogged down with Red Tape and Bureaucracy like the system of Government and the Jamaican Government is no exception. It gets even worst when the people of Jamaica are unable to separate their Political Life from their Professional Life, when nothing is being done in the interest of the country but instead in the interest of the Political Parties and peoples ego. The general public is getting very sick and tired of the counterproductive relationships between the Government, the Opposition, the Office of the Contractor-General (OCG), The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) and The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). It seems none of these groups exist to work in the interest of the country as everything descends into chaos, public hardcore bare knuckle Cage Fight as they curse out each other in public, accusing each other of corruption. Entities within the Government Structure behave as if they live in a low income tenement ghetto yard with daily brawls.
This Five Ring Circus does not look to me like they exist to facilitate each other and work together in the National interest as they seem to spend every working hours running interference against each other, putting up road blocks at every turn, trying to kill plans and stagnate the country. All our Governments both JLP and PNP has suffered this same faith. On a rare occasion of unity, representatives from both the PNP and the JLP on July 18, 2010, expressed their concern that the Contractor General seems to exist, to block their every move and kill every plan. I am not against the contractor General, that department could play an important role in our society. They should exist to make sure the dealings of the Government is above board, open and honest but what I do not see is any cooperation, they are not helping the Government to achieve their goals, nothing like “ OK we do not agree with how you are going about this, so let’s sit down like educated adults and see if we can work together to come up with a solid plan to move the country forward" but instead public political bashing.
Why is it that people who are supposed to be the most intelligent and educated among us, are finding it so hard to utilize basic Problem/Solution techniques? It is the norm now for various Governments regardless of Political parties, to announced various grand development plans only to have those plans blocked, bogged down and rejected by either The Office of the Contractor-General (OCG), The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) and The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the party in opposition will never give up a juicy chance to side against the sitting Government. Then the Jamaican people choose sides, depending on which political parties they support and the war begins, not realizing that they are poorer for it, shooting ourselves in the foot, cutting off our nose to spite our face. Sometimes I have to wonder what the members of a party is thinking when they are in opposition (regardless of party), do they really believe that all they have to do, is to oppose their way into Government and then this “Oppositioning” will magically stop after they have achieved their goals? Because as soon as they take control of the Government, what they dish out while in opposition will come back to haunt them as the new Opposition Tun-Up the “Oppositioning”, activate their operatives in the various NGO and sectors with instruction to block every move ensuring failure of the new Government… and yes the cycle of accomplishing fuck-all continues since this is all nothing but a big game to these people.
Both Government and Opposition exist in the theoretical world, both have a long list of potential plans and a whole heap of what ifs and at times they make various speeches about what they wanted to do while in Government BUT… this, that and the other thing happened preventing them from doing it. Currently we have a couple theoretical schemes being thrown around and have been around for some time now. Our Governments talk a lot about mega Alternate Energy Projects but we have yet to see any. Our Governments talk about increase water supply projects but we still suffer from water shortage and lock offs. Our Government talks about new 380 Megawatt energy power plants but this is only a pipedream, still nothing. Our Governments talk about a Logistic Mega HUB to take advantage of the Panama Canal expansion but all we have to show for it is more big chat, conflicts and confrontations. Our Governments talk and talk and talk, we wait and wait and wait and still nothing is delivered, nothing is done.
Shaw bites back - Former finance minister takes on Christie for rebuttal of statements on LNG contract award |
We were wrong - JLP was bullied by the then contractor general into ending LNG deal with EXMAR |
"We, the Cabinet approved EXMAR as the preferred bidder and we allowed this nonsense perpetrated by the then contractor general to throw us and derail this programme. If it was not derailed, whether we were in power or not, LNG would be rolling out in Jamaica right now and I say that without any fear of contradiction," declared Shaw."......
- Dominican Republic opened the ‘biggest’ 430 megawatts power plant at a cost of US$707.0M. Wärtsilä has been awarded the contract to supply a complete dual-fuel power plant to the Dominican Republic. The turnkey project has been ordered by Empresa Generadora de Electricidad Haina (EGE Haina), the largest power generation company in the Dominican Republic. The Quisqueya II power plant ordered by EGE Haina will feature 12 Wärtsilä 50DF generating sets in combined cycle running primarily on natural gas, but with the capability to switch to heavy fuel oil as needed. The contract was awarded on 27th December 2011 and the finish project was up and running on 23rd September 2013. So while we fight, squabble, throw words and tear Jamaica apart for political power, thanks to the Five Ring Circus, countries like Dominican Republic are moving ahead, working, working, working, implementing, implementing, implementing.I have no faith in Jamaica and Jamaicans, no faith in the Political Parties, no faith in the Government, no faith in the Opposition, no faith in the OCG, OUR, DPP and any other organizations to actually facilitate the building of the 360-megawatt power plant.
- In Panama, Dominican Republic was touted as the Caribbean’s Official Hub at Expo Logistics Panama 2013, the most important regional event in the transport and logistics field in all its classifications: sea, air, or land in a backdrop of business contacts to get up to speed on the market’s latest trends…. Jamaica was not even mentioned, who cares about our idle chatter and internal power struggles.
- Santo Domingo.- Solar panels from SolarWorld, the largest U.S. solar manufacturer for more than 35 years, now power the largest solar-electric installation in the Dominican Republic. The 1.5-megawatt solar array sits near the runway of Cibao International Airport, the country’s third largest airport. The system, a complete solar solution featuring SolarWorld’s high-quality solar panels and proprietary racking, generates enough clean energy to support about half of the airport’s energy needs.…. I have always said that a part of the PetroCaribe savings should have been used to invest in Alternate Energy Projects, Jamaica should have had as least 4 or 5, 5 acre Solar farms up and running by now….
- Santo Domingo. – A local company on Wednesday unveiled Dominican Republic’s biggest rooftop solar panel array, located at the Frederic Schad logistics complex, as part of its ongoing effort to consume less energy and reduce greenhouse gases.
- Santo Domingo. – China will hold its Fifth Trade Fair Sept. 26-29 in the Dominican Republic, seeking to strengthen economic relations with the country, the organizers revealed.
- Santo Domingo. – The Dominican Republic's organic food production has grown continually over the last few years, a fact that makes the country the world leader in bringing such foods to market, official sources pointed out.
Gerry Potter Poet - How Do You Respect Fuck All ?
The Medieval Feudal System is the Social and Political System adopted and practiced by Jamaica and Jamaicans… |
Update: 10/4/2013 |
The company that was awarded the contract to build the 360 Megawatt Power Plant failed to come up with the down payment and as a result the contract will now be awarded to the second bidder who must also come up with the money.
It is getting more and more obvious that the Government regardless of party and the regulatory bodies cannot work together, their relationship is counterproductive and this is because of a Jamaican trait, “two bulls cannot be in the same pen”. We do not know how to work together when power is equally shared and the master-servant context does not exist. The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) is not taking any shit from the Minister and the Minister is not taking any shit from OUR and as a result the country stagnates, same goes for OCG and DPP. I can imagine them now… “di Minister boy caan tell me what fi do, a di GG me report to”… This is a power struggle where egos collide and alpha male personalities clash and no development will ever take place under such conditions. The General Public is so busy and obsessed with the witch hunt for corruption that they forget who they voted for and who they did not vote for…
It would be unfair to of me not to also list the Progressive Projects taking place in Jamaica at this time.
- The 6.3 MW New Maggoty Hydroelectric Power Plant in St. Elizabeth Parish, Jamaica will add much-needed renewable power to the country’s national energy grid.MWH designed the $33 million (USD) project that is the ninth hydroelectric power station in Jamaica. The company Mott MacDonald was contracted for the hydro expansion scheme and and the project is schedule for the November 2013.
- Wigton Windfarm Limited, a subsidiary of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ), is reporting encouraging findings from a recently completed Wind Resource Assessment, which identified four locations suitable for wind energy development with a combined potential generating capacity of 212 million KWh annually. The study, which assessed 24 prospective sites across the island, highlighted four locations which were found to have "excellent energy yield (each) featuring more than 5,300 MWh/a". Wigton Windfarm Limited is now embarking on a wind farm expansion, installing an additional 18 MW of generating capacity from nine (9) 2 MW Vestas V80 wind turbines.
- Caribbean Broilers goes solar with pig farm, after years of trying unsuccessfully to convince pig farmers to invest in climate-controlled barns as a means of growing pigs more efficiently, CB is building its own farm on property in Hill Run, St Catherine with 192 panels on the barn. A solar-powered pig farm will allow the company to offset the use of the utility grid. This offset yields tremendous savings, resulting in a four-year payback of the system
More On The Hypothetical Logistic HUB!
First let me state my position regarding the Logistic HUB, I am against the use of Goat Islands purely on environmental reasons and nothing anyone can say or do would make me change my mind. I am not against the concept of a Logistic Hub, I think it is a good thing, I am not against the Chinese people and I am certainly not against Chinese Investments or any Foreign Direct Investments, all are welcome so long as Jamaica and Jamaicans benefit.
The Logistic-Hub is slowly becoming a dirty word coupled with a disturbing trend of increase anti-Chinese rhetoric which is almost racist. The question one must ask is, does the Logistic HUB equal Goat Island or is Goat Island just a small part of the Logistic Hub Concept? I know what I am opposed to, Goat Islands to me is a deal breaker, it is the point at which I am prepared to walk away from the deal even if it means the end of the entire HUB concept, that is… if (HUB="Goat Island") then HUB-DONE!!!
Us Jamaicans have not had a proper mature debate/discussion about the future of the entire Logistic Hub to date, there has been a lot of screaming and shouting on all sides but no mature grown up debate, no Pro versus Con debate, everything is speculation and made up to prove a point depending on which party you support.
The Government knows the position of the environmentalist but what about the entire country? We have no idea what Jamaicans are thinking and as such how can any groups organize a movement without knowing what percentage of the Population is for and what percentage is against…? These things matters, this is a numbers game because there is strength through numbers, majority rule but we have no idea of the numbers. We are in need of a national poll to try to find out what the Jamaican people are thinking, an indication of where most Jamaicans stand on this Goat Island issue.
I know where the genuine Environmentalist and people who would protest this vile attack on the environment, on our natural way of life, stands. These people would take the same position regardless of which party they support because these are people with principles. I think we all know where the Diehard Partisan Political Muppets, who I have next to no respect for and make up both parties (PNP or JLP), stands on this issue. The Opposition supporters will always oppose the sitting Government and in this case they are opportunistic environmentalist not because they care about the environment or Goat Island but because their party is not in power, people like these would not know principle is it got up and bitch slap them twice across the face, they represents 70% of the problems we face in Jamaica. The Government supporters will also blindly back their party in Government, totally useless the lot.
Foreign Investment is not the issue, what the potential problem might be is how the Government negotiates the terms of the agreements. Jamaica cannot afford to appear too needy but must stand firm on some basic demands, principles we will never betray. Many foreign non-Chinese investors got away with murder, the tourist sector is one such sector where some entities have never paid taxes and are given waivers to import whatever they want. The largest foreign investor to the United States of America is the Chinese they are investing in America in records numbers, same for the UK, Greece and Australia… So the problem is not Chinese investment but the terms of the agreements, not cutting corners because they wave a wad of cash. The opposition must be very careful how they curse out the Chinese because I remember Petrocaribe and Venezuela, you cursed both and then like hypocrites behaved as if it was God sent when you came to power.
Everything is a negotiation, I have no problem with Chinese investments, no problem with the Chinese… so long as I can see where it benefits Jamaica and we establish rules and guidelines and policies that we are not prepared to go against… In countries where investments goes wrong it is because those Governments did not enforce any rules, guidelines or policies, no standards, so why would a foreign country look out for your interest if you are not prepared to lookout for it yourself… American and UK companies invested in our Hotel industry, imported their upper and middle Managements and employ Jamaicans to spread the bed because our Government appeared too needy…
I do not see any other countries lining up to outbid the Chinese, no one else wants a piece of this. I know most Jamaicans wanted white America, UK and EU foreign investments because we have been conditioned to value them over all others but truth be told they are not coming, because they are all in China looking for Chinese investments for their own economy, they are also flat broke trying to survive this world recession. I do not see a long line of global investors lining up trying to get a piece of this, so I do not know where this free loyalty to America and the United Kingdom comes from. If this HUB was such a hot item and we are the center of this hot item then where are the other high end investors fighting to get a piece of this sweet potato pudding?
Reversing Sensitivities, Allergies, Inflammation, Pain and Even Cancer Can Be As Simple As Giving Up Peanuts, Peanut Oil and Peanut Butter!
Posted by luputtenan1
Acidic food and drink causing allergies make millions of Americans miserable and can even kill, but many who have acidic food and drink allergies or intolerances attribute their symptoms to other ailments.
Their doctors agree and are more than willing to write prescriptions rather than take the time to properly advise their patients to eliminate acidic food, drink and lifestyle choices which are the true cause of all allergies, including allergies associated with peanuts, peanut oil and peanut butter. The misdiagnosed victims continue to suffer year after year, often in a downward spiral of mounting health problems as a result of acidic lifestyle and dietary choice.
Most people think of food and drink allergies as reactions to certain foods that cause obvious symptoms, such as stomach pains, itching, swelling of the face and lips, and red, raised, angry-looking skin rashes. All of these symptoms are caused by the the acids from acidic foods and drinks.
Yet the majority of people — some 30 percent of all Americans — have more subtle acidic symptoms and signs. These can include joint pain, fatigue, clouded thinking, psychiatric illnesses, and even severe neurological disorders. Once again ALL of these symptoms are caused by acidic foods and drinks.
All of these acidic dietary symptoms, which the sufferer usually never even connects with food, I call acidic food and drink intolerances.
Acidic food and drink intolerances that leads to acidic allergies is easy to identify and to cure! Just because you can eat a certain acidic food or drink a certain acidic liquid without having to rush to the emergency room doesn’t mean it isn’t ultimately going to cause you serious harm.
True acidic food and drink allergies are usually immediate and occur within hours of ingesting the offending acidic food or drink. Reactions appear with a sudden, almost explosive, onset. Some reactions can cause rapid collapse and even death, such as we commonly see, with two of my top ten acid foods that should never be ingested, peanuts or peanut butter and shell fish, like shrimp or lobster.
Acidic reactions to food and drink intolerances can be delayed days, weeks, and even months after exposure to an acidic food or drink. The symptoms they cause are usually not connected with reactions to foods or drinks, and doctors miss the connections when the acidic reaction is delayed. The reason for the delayed reaction is sometimes it takes days, weeks or months for the acid residues to build up until the body is over-burnden - thus the acidic reaction which the body trying to eliminate via any orifice.
Since doctors are not much help, what can you do to determine whether you are having acidic allergies or intolerances that could be causing many common acidic complaints? Proper pH urine and saliva testing and live and dried blood microscopy are key. I discuss in depth how to prevent and reverse acidic food and drink allergies and intolerances in our pH Miracle books, especially Chapter 11 in The pH Miracle for Weight Loss.
In addition, here are a few of my top ten acidic foods and drinks that cause acidic allergies and other symptoms associated with sensitivities, allergies, pain, ulcerations and degenerative dis-ease:
1) Dairy products, including milk, cheese, ice cream, butter, and yogurt contain the acid lactose that breaks down to lactic acid that leads to sensitivities, inflammation, pain, ulcerations and cancer.
2) Animal proteins, including beef, pork, chicken and turkey are highly acidic with dietary acids, including nitric acid, uric acid, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid that lead to heart disease to cancer.
3) Seafood, including all shell fish have now been affected by ionizing radiation from Fukashima nuclear meltdown. Seafood is also a risk factor for mercury toxcity associated with nuerological dis-eases.
4) Algae will adsorb and absorb oxygen from the blood causing oxygen deprivation.
5) Mushrooms are a fungi that breakdowns down matter.
6) Peanuts, peanut oil, peanut butter and cashew nuts contain twenty-six different mycotoxin-producing fungi. On top of that, broken and ground nuts (of any kind) are ready targets for airborne mold spores and quickly become rancid. You can see it on the nuts as a dark or black discoloring. Contamination occurs during the growing process because the plants themselves are not resistant. Humans who eventually ingest them are also eating the fungi and their toxic waste, inoculating their digestive tracts with negative microforms. On top of that, broken and ground nuts (of any kind) are ready targets for airborne mold spores and quickly become rancid. You can see it on the nuts as a dark or black discoloring. Research has linked corn consumption with cancers of the esophagus and stomach, and peanuts, including peanut butter with pancreatic and liver “cancer”. Cashew nuts and dried coconut are similarly contaminated, and should also be avoided.
7) Corn contains twenty-five different mycotoxin-producing fungi, including recognized carcinogens! Corn also contain fructose which is a known nuerotoxin that may lead to neurological disorders such as dementia, Parkinson's and Alzheimers.
8) All fermented foods like soy sauce and miso have an acid pH and lower the pH of the body fluids.
9) Eggs according to the Department of Agriculture contain over 38 million microorganisms that may be harmful to the body. Eggs will activate the immune system to clear the toxins from eggs for 3 to 5 hours after ingestion.
10) Alcohol is a known acid that is harmful to the body cells and tissues, especially the liver.
Remember, you don't get sick you have to do sick. Just as you don't get healthy you have to do healthy.
Most people think of food and drink allergies as reactions to certain foods that cause obvious symptoms, such as stomach pains, itching, swelling of the face and lips, and red, raised, angry-looking skin rashes. All of these symptoms are caused by the the acids from acidic foods and drinks.
Yet the majority of people — some 30 percent of all Americans — have more subtle acidic symptoms and signs. These can include joint pain, fatigue, clouded thinking, psychiatric illnesses, and even severe neurological disorders. Once again ALL of these symptoms are caused by acidic foods and drinks.
All of these acidic dietary symptoms, which the sufferer usually never even connects with food, I call acidic food and drink intolerances.
Acidic food and drink intolerances that leads to acidic allergies is easy to identify and to cure! Just because you can eat a certain acidic food or drink a certain acidic liquid without having to rush to the emergency room doesn’t mean it isn’t ultimately going to cause you serious harm.
True acidic food and drink allergies are usually immediate and occur within hours of ingesting the offending acidic food or drink. Reactions appear with a sudden, almost explosive, onset. Some reactions can cause rapid collapse and even death, such as we commonly see, with two of my top ten acid foods that should never be ingested, peanuts or peanut butter and shell fish, like shrimp or lobster.
Acidic reactions to food and drink intolerances can be delayed days, weeks, and even months after exposure to an acidic food or drink. The symptoms they cause are usually not connected with reactions to foods or drinks, and doctors miss the connections when the acidic reaction is delayed. The reason for the delayed reaction is sometimes it takes days, weeks or months for the acid residues to build up until the body is over-burnden - thus the acidic reaction which the body trying to eliminate via any orifice.
Since doctors are not much help, what can you do to determine whether you are having acidic allergies or intolerances that could be causing many common acidic complaints? Proper pH urine and saliva testing and live and dried blood microscopy are key. I discuss in depth how to prevent and reverse acidic food and drink allergies and intolerances in our pH Miracle books, especially Chapter 11 in The pH Miracle for Weight Loss.
In addition, here are a few of my top ten acidic foods and drinks that cause acidic allergies and other symptoms associated with sensitivities, allergies, pain, ulcerations and degenerative dis-ease:
1) Dairy products, including milk, cheese, ice cream, butter, and yogurt contain the acid lactose that breaks down to lactic acid that leads to sensitivities, inflammation, pain, ulcerations and cancer.
2) Animal proteins, including beef, pork, chicken and turkey are highly acidic with dietary acids, including nitric acid, uric acid, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid that lead to heart disease to cancer.
3) Seafood, including all shell fish have now been affected by ionizing radiation from Fukashima nuclear meltdown. Seafood is also a risk factor for mercury toxcity associated with nuerological dis-eases.
4) Algae will adsorb and absorb oxygen from the blood causing oxygen deprivation.
5) Mushrooms are a fungi that breakdowns down matter.
6) Peanuts, peanut oil, peanut butter and cashew nuts contain twenty-six different mycotoxin-producing fungi. On top of that, broken and ground nuts (of any kind) are ready targets for airborne mold spores and quickly become rancid. You can see it on the nuts as a dark or black discoloring. Contamination occurs during the growing process because the plants themselves are not resistant. Humans who eventually ingest them are also eating the fungi and their toxic waste, inoculating their digestive tracts with negative microforms. On top of that, broken and ground nuts (of any kind) are ready targets for airborne mold spores and quickly become rancid. You can see it on the nuts as a dark or black discoloring. Research has linked corn consumption with cancers of the esophagus and stomach, and peanuts, including peanut butter with pancreatic and liver “cancer”. Cashew nuts and dried coconut are similarly contaminated, and should also be avoided.
7) Corn contains twenty-five different mycotoxin-producing fungi, including recognized carcinogens! Corn also contain fructose which is a known nuerotoxin that may lead to neurological disorders such as dementia, Parkinson's and Alzheimers.
8) All fermented foods like soy sauce and miso have an acid pH and lower the pH of the body fluids.
9) Eggs according to the Department of Agriculture contain over 38 million microorganisms that may be harmful to the body. Eggs will activate the immune system to clear the toxins from eggs for 3 to 5 hours after ingestion.
10) Alcohol is a known acid that is harmful to the body cells and tissues, especially the liver.
Remember, you don't get sick you have to do sick. Just as you don't get healthy you have to do healthy.
Jamaica, The Land where Anarchy Reigns
Posted by luputtenan1 on Saturday, September 28, 2013
Sometime ago I worked for a financial company, one night at around 3 AM the operations department encountered a problem with one of the applications and called the software developer on duty to investigate. He logged into the system and proceeded to analyze and debug the application. Sometime after he identified the problem and then decided to fix it in production even though there was a company wide rule that strictly forbids developers from making changes to production code, in the production environment without the approval of upper management. The problem was relatively minor so he fixed it and went back to bed, I am sure feeling very proud of himself, basking in his brilliance probably thinking, what they would do without him?
By the time he came into work the next morning all hell was breaking loose and everyone was on the mother of all conference call, no one had time to be diplomatic about anything as they let the fucks fly. The main problem was even though the developer in question was successful at fixing the problem as it pertained to his application, he failed to perform a system wide analysis to see how his changes would affect the entire suite of interconnected systems. As a result of his change bad data was being disseminated everywhere and started affecting many of the trading platforms which forced the company to halted trading, while we all worked under extreme pressure to put in place a proper solution that would satisfied the needs of every subsystem that depended on the data. The company lost millions in both dollars and goodwill, he was fired on the conference call and a security guard was dispatched to immediately remove him from the premises… in tears.
The rule that developers were not allowed to change code in production without permission is a good rule because if you unleash your development staff on your production environment it would be anything goes and anarchy would result due to lack of proper due diligence and poor communication, we can be one dimensional at times when we are in our zone…
What goes for a Computer System also goes for every system and the system of government is no exception to that rule. If Government ministers are allowed to do what they want, when they want to and how they want to, then it would be complete anarchy and the system would quickly grind to a disastrous halt. Rules, Regulations and Procedures are in place for a reason and that is to protect us from our self, to safeguard against human nature and to ensure business continuity.
If Rules, Regulation and Procedures are not followed, then maybe some good things might happen as a result but knowing human nature, a whole heap of bad things will happen, as was seen when regulations was removed from the American financial sector, anarchy ensued and all hell broke loose as the greedy bankers made up their own rules as they go.
Minister Richard Azan for whatever reason, good or bad, broke the rules, disregarded government procedures and took it upon himself to start a project, then took it upon himself to hired a contractor and allowed that contractor to collect rent from the finish project and like the software developer he must pay the price and should not be reinstated into the Government and I do not care which Political party he belongs to, nor do I actually care what PNP or JLP partisan diehearts have to say about it.
Jamaica, Land of Political Deejays
Posted by luputtenan1
We are a Dancehall DJ Country… Lots of Jamaicans grew up listening to dancehall DJ’s as they fluently spit out lyrics and rhymes. We are often amazed by their ability to ride the rhythm and captivate the audiences. This catapults them to fame and fortune, earning them much love and respect from the crowd. In my youth I have been to my share of dancehall venues and watched as people used their hands to beat the hell out of the zinc fences whenever the DJ said something that was lyrically wicked.
The Political Class has long since learned that if you want to engage the Jamaican people then you must adopt a DJ like persona, the crowd expects nothing less or more. I would not be shocked if our Educated Political class were employing semi-literate Dancehall DJs as speech writers and voice coaches to train them in the linguistic art and mannerism of the Ghetto…. No longer is the Political class expected to use proper English when they address the electorate, no longer are they expected to raise the bar of intellectual discourse since all they need to do is appeal to the lowest common denominator of the Jamaican society, using the language of the street.
Back in the days one had to listen to our Educated Political class with our dictionary in hand, hanging off every word trying to find its meaning and the public would judge the various speakers based on both their command of the English language and their knowledge of the subject matter, I remember hearing one woman remark while listening to a speech from Michael Manley… “I have no idea what him just say ...but him sound sweet and full a education”...Yes we were slaves to the “Speaky Spoky” back then but I guess this was early post-colonial Jamaica where everyone expected their leaders to be well versed in matters they did not understand and one way of judging this was by their ability to speak the language of intelligence.
The flipside of that is …If they were so intelligent well versed in the language of intelligence able to “speaky spoky” with the best of them, then why are we in such a mess? How come all this intelligence, all this book-smart did not translate into solid progress. How come they were so poor at settling their differences, since the educated solution to their differences was not to create garrisons and armed the population to the teeth, turning Jamaicans against Jamaicans but like intelligent highly educated civilized human beings to sit around a table and reason out those difference. In pre and post-colonial Jamaica almost all our high profile leaders were educated in some of the finest universities of the United Kingdom and the United States and yet we have not achieved our full potential.
These days words like “run-wid-it”, “eat-a-food”, “a Audley mi seh!", “bangarang”, “more man have gal”, is all that is required to get the masses going as our Political entertainers jump and prance on the political stage like a Dancehall DJs performing at a stage show.
This is also the reason why Jamaica is in the Guinness Book of Records as having the most churches per square mile. I do not know which one came first the vibrant energetic pastor excreting smooth rhythmic lyrics after lyrics to a congregation mesmerized and entranced my every word and filling the collection plates with their last red cent or the Dancehall DJ but it is quite obvious that we value lyrics over implementation.
Political Parties