Gleaner: Partying To Debt - Sprint Financial Services Sees More Patrons Taking Loans For Events

Posted by luputtenan1 on Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Gleaner reported that many Jamaicans are taking out loans to attend party events….. Yes borrowing money and paying interest in order to attend parties…. WTF!!!

"Founder and CEO of Sprint Financial Services, Christopher Barrett, pointed out that the number of persons accessing loans to attend events is on the increase. The company started offering loans to patrons attending some of the most expensive parties in the west of the island in 2012 and is doing the same this year: ".......

A person would have to be completely WORTHLESS to borrow money to go to party, I know we love having a good time but one cannot love merriment that much. If these are the people we are expecting to bring Innovation and Imagination to our Economy and Society then all is lost.

Several people are blaming the lending agencies for lending people money to go to parties but not for education, well if you are the type of person willing to borrow money to party then you are clearly  NOT the type of person who cares about education and the financial houses should make a living of your sorry disgusting ass..

These are the same people who curse the Government for not Letting Off ( giving freely) the countries resources, we want free light, free water and free house but have no problem borrowing money to attend parties. Some of these people normally use the Poverty Card as a means to an end. They almost riots when $20 was added to the price of a patty, saying that the government was trying to kill poor people. They do not have any Personal Responsibility, the Government must let off and Jamaicans in foreign countries should send them money and barrels.

It must be the fault of you Jamaicans living overseas, you are lazy people and not working enough, so get a second or third job you worthless cruds. You clearly need to send more money and more barrels, just look what these poor people are force to do because you Jamaicans living overseas failed to send enough money, they are forced to borrow to finance their Over the Top Lifestyles. Listen you lazy, good for nothing overseas Jamaicans,  Hennessy  and merriment is not cheap, so get your act in gear, work harder and send more money.

"In 2011 Audi sales overtakes BMW for the first time in Jamaica and now 2013 Audi Sales Climb - Adam Stewart Credits 'Aspirational' Demand For Luxury, Sets Sights On No. 1 Slot."

The person who pioneered micro lending got a Nobel for it. A Bangladeshi fellow who formed grameen bank. to help poorer than poor Bangladeshis (plenty women) make a living off hustling, buying/selling, to get a leg up in society and take care of their households and lift them out of grinding, generations of poverty. Micro lending is for the poor bag juice man to buy couple bags wholesale to sell and then buy and sell, for the handcart man, the market woman. When they get a leg up in society, their children benefit, the nation benefits.Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Micro-Loan Pioneers

Micro lending in Jamaica is helping the so-called suffering oppressed masses, who almost riot because of the $20 increase on Patty to Party like its 1999 all over again....

Appleton Temptation Isle (ATI)
Smirnoff Dream Weekend
RumFire Temptation Isle (RTI)
Rum-Bar Flex Week
Stage show fi stone dog
Reggae Sumfest
Fashion shows 
Jazz festivals…
More aboutGleaner: Partying To Debt - Sprint Financial Services Sees More Patrons Taking Loans For Events

Mark Lichty pH Miracle Prostate Cancer Testimonial

Posted by luputtenan1 on Saturday, July 27, 2013

Mark Lichty pH Miracle Prostate Cancer Testimonial

Most men diagnosed with prostate cancer die of other acidic causes, study finds.

A new international study, published Friday in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, found that most men who live with prostate cancer tumours die from other causes, suggesting that a large number of the tumours are not life-threatening.

The study was led by Dr. Alexandre Zlotta, Director of Uro-Oncology at Mount Sinai Hospital’s Murray Koffler Urologic Wellness Centre and a scientist with Mount Sinai’s Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute.

The Mount Sinai team underwent a posthumous study of 320 prostate glands from 220 Caucasian Russian men around 62 years of age and 100 Asian men with an average age of 68.

The Russian men shared similar traits with Caucasian men living in North America, such as reduced sun exposure and a high-fat diet, both of which have been associated with prostate cancer. Researchers also looked at Japanese Asian men, who have a lower rate of the disease and eat a different diet.

While none of the men were known prostate cancer patients, the study showed that nearly 50% harboured prostate cancer at the time of their deaths, but nonetheless died of other causes.

In North America, men with clinically significant prostate cancer are offered radical treatment usually in the form of surgery or radiation – and there are heavy personal tolls to these treatments
What made these two populations worth studying is that researchers found that despite differences in mortality rates, genetics and lifestyle factors, the rates of prostate cancer were similar. In fact, the prostate glands from Asian men showed a more aggressive form of the disease. North American doctors would normally recommend surgery or radiation treatment for the tumor characteristics found in the autopsied prostates; however, the men died of other causes.

“In North America, men with clinically significant prostate cancer are offered radical treatment usually in the form of surgery or radiation – and there are heavy personal tolls to these treatments,” Dr. Zlotta said in a statement. “But our study shows that in Japan, despite completely different lifestyles, despite a much lower incidence of clinically detected prostate cancer, and a much lower mortality rate due to prostate cancer compared to men in North America, Asian men have similar prevalence of the disease – but they aren’t dying from it.”
More aboutMark Lichty pH Miracle Prostate Cancer Testimonial

The Radiation from WiFi is Cancer Causing!

Posted by luputtenan1

The following study out in 2011 support the logical conclusion that being exposed to WiFi (and more than often many sources of multiple WiFi signals) 24/7 is a potential risk for a cancerous condition. Today we are all literally drowning in an acidic sea of EMFs. The long-term exposure to microwave radiation from WiFi provokes the cellular transformation of healthy body and blood cells into cancerous cells leading to a cancerous condition or diagnosis.

Exp Oncol. 2011 Jun;33(2):62-70.

Long-term exposure to microwave radiation provokes cancer growth: evidences from radars and mobile communication systems.


R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of NAS of Ukraine, Vasylkivska str. 45, Kyiv 03022, Ukraine.


In this review we discuss alarming epidemiological and experimental data on possible carcinogenic effects of long term exposure to low intensity microwave (MW) radiation. Recently, a number of reports revealed that under certain conditions the irradiation by low intensity MW can substantially induce cancer progression in humans and in animal models. The carcinogenic effect of MW irradiation is typically manifested after long term (up to 10 years and more) exposure. Nevertheless, even a year of operation of a powerful base transmitting station for mobile communication reportedly resulted in a dramatic increase of cancer incidence among population living nearby. In addition, model studies in rodents unveiled a significant increase in carcinogenesis after 17-24 months of MW exposure both in tumor-prone and intact animals. To that, such metabolic changes, as overproduction of reactive oxygen species, 8-hydroxi-2-deoxyguanosine formation, or ornithine decarboxylase activation under exposure to low intensity MW confirm a stress impact of this factor on living cells. We also address the issue of standards for assessment of biological effects of irradiation. It is now becoming increasingly evident that assessment of biological effects of non-ionizing radiation based on physical (thermal) approach used in recommendations of current regulatory bodies, including the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines, requires urgent reevaluation. We conclude that recent data strongly point to the need for re-elaboration of the current safety limits for non-ionizing radiation using recently obtained knowledge. We also emphasize that the everyday exposure of both occupational and general public to MW radiation should be regulated based on a precautionary principles which imply maximum restriction of excessive exposure.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
More aboutThe Radiation from WiFi is Cancer Causing!

One-sided History, Fantasy and Nostalgia

Posted by luputtenan1 on Friday, July 26, 2013

Some time ago I was having a conversation with an American friend of mine about the American war of independence. During the conversion he was going on and on about how America kicked the great British army’s ass and won their independence. I listened for a while and agreed that yes America did win the war of Independence but then asked him a simple question.

At the time of the American War of Independence, can you describe to me what was happening in Britain at the time? This he could not answer, he had no idea what was happening in the Britain at the time, he knew the King and his countrymen got beaten but that was it and I was not surprised because he was never thought anything about life in the Britain during this war. He knew nothing about the mood of the people, nothing about what was happening on that side of the world. I suppose the yanks left that part out of history because it may affect the way the story was told and if you want to create Big Bang memorable event that solidify's a nation and have them rally round that event then your enemy must be a big and bad, powerful tyrant who attacked you with all his might and you kick his ass to achieve ultimate glory.

Many years before this conversation I was sitting in a West Indian and European history class, when the professor walked in and asked you know how slavery ended? Well everyone in the class nodded in agreement, yes after one revolt and riot after another, we became such a thorn in the side of the British and they had no choice but to give in.

He told us that at the end of the course he hoped we would come away with a better understanding of how the world worked. He went on to say that at the time the Britain was the greatest Military power the world had ever seen in a longtime, that Britain ruled the high seas, had more military might than the next 6 world power put together and could travel half way round the world and lay waste to any of her enemies. he told us we were going to analyse, investigate and evaluate why Britain did not use her Military might and lay waste to tiny Jamaica and restore order?
He declared that for the next couple months we would study British History during the years leading up to the abolition of the slave trade and slavery, trying to find out why Britain did not bring the full force of her Military might down on Jamaica but instead abolished Slavery and the Slave trade. We needed to understand the mood of the country at the time and how it was changing, to find out if that had anything to do with the outcome. 

For the next couple months we studied British and European History

  • We studied about conditions that existed in Britain at the time. 
  • We studied about the Plantocracy, who they were and how much power they had. 
  • We studied about the start of the industrial revolution and the great transformation of the British economy.
  • We studied about the rise of the Industrialist, the industrial barons.
  • We studied about the decline of the Plantocracy, how and why they lost power.
  • We found out that that what was important to the Plantocracy was not important to the industrialist.
  • We studied the rise of beet sugar and how it affected cane sugar, who was no longer king.
  • We studied about industrialist financing various abolition movements at home and abroad and how they elected several of their members to parliament thus further weakening the Plantocracy.

We were given manuscripts containing debates after debates in the British parliament about the colonies, slavery and emancipation, as well as various issues affecting the British Economy and the different interest of the British society. While reading and analysing various debates, we came across a passage that said Jamaica was now costing Britain 10,000 more shillings per year than she earns. It seemed slavery was no longer earning Britain as much money as before and was now costing Britain money, and you cannot have that, why should industrialist finance a bunch of farmers in this black colony.

So the reasons for the end of the slavery and the slave trade was complex and multidimensional. We found out that the industrialist used various revolts to their advantage as a means to an end but it was not the revolts that ended slavery, after all, the only thing this great power had to do was raised a vast army from her vast Empire, send over loads of ships and bombard the entire island from sea before invading and re-establish her control.

So what of the American Revolution, what was happening in Britain and Europe at the time? We know Britain was at war with the French who were just across the channel, a hop, skip and a jump away. We know that Spain, as an ally of France and was also at war with the British. We know the British was at war in other parts of the Empire as various European nations try to loosen her grip on power and take some of what she had.  We know at the time America was not considered a valued colony because British West Indian colonies were way more valuable to Britain. In 1773 the value of British Imports from Jamaica was five times greater than those from all the American colonies. Nevis produced three times more British imports than New York between 1714 and 1773 because it was sugar, ...not tobacco that was king...  Britain was not about to take its eyes off the French and Spanish to fully engage those British citizens in America. It was one thing to fight Native Red Skin Americans and Mutinous black slaves and put them down like dogs but it was another to fight your own British brothers and sisters. We know that various debates in parliament by British MP’s supported the views of the British people in America, some even wear blue colour to show their support.

Spain, as an ally of France, attacked other far more important British colonies such as Gibraltar and the West Indies; therefore the far more experienced and better quality British soldiers were sent to successfully defend these and other places, rather than the thirteen colonies that were more of a drain on the British treasury than filling it since Britain over the years had to send its army to help the colonies against the Indians and other potentially invading Europeans. In the end Britain had a choice to make and she made it by weighting her pros and cons. 

To fully understand history one must have all the facts, only then can we fully appreciate the realities of life...
More aboutOne-sided History, Fantasy and Nostalgia

Oh, the Humanity!!!

Posted by luputtenan1 on Monday, July 22, 2013

I will never pretend to completely understand human nature or what makes us behave so differently. I will never understand why man commit murders, rape, climb Mount Everest, travel to the moon, run into a burning building to rescue a child or cut out a man’s heart and eat it live on camera. What would make the Hutus slaughter the Tutsis in Rwanda where 500,000 people were killed in the first 100 days of conflict and an estimated 1,000,000 in total murdered or the Germans to slaughter six million Jews and start a war that resulted in over 56,125,262 people killed?

But what I do know is that most children live what they learn, that how they were raised and socialized contributes to the type of person they will become and define their value system. Who we are today is as a result of what we learnt as children, the schools we go to, the people we know and the environment we grew up in, the expectations from the people around us and the level of education we were given. It has a lot to do with who our parents are and how they were raised, our extended family and their values and beliefs. All these things come together to define us and give us a sense of right, wrong, direction and purpose. We are a complex animal, we humans are capable of good, bravery, love, death, destruction and genocide. I know that what seems right to one person can seem very wrong to another, I know that what seems like the norm to one person can seem very abnormal to another. I know what seems straight forward to one person can seem complex and convoluted to another person.

If you grow up in an environment where bad things are happening all around you, so much so that it seems like the norm then that could define the type of person you will grow up to become and you will see nothing wrong with these things, these actions regardless of how disgusting they are, it is what it is and the human mind makes adjustments to understand and live with the thing happening around us. A boy who grows up seeing his father beating his mother and no one does anything about it, not even the mother who carries on looking after the family as if it was normal then chances are he will also grow up to beat the women in his life because children internalize and make bad disgusting things the norm... but I am using the word bad and disgusting because of the person I am, my value system, he may not describe these actions in the same way that I am describing them, your bad and disgusting, my normal. So if a child lives in an alienated, impoverished community where ignorance and depravity is allowed to fester and grow with every passing generation then that child will think what ever is going on around him or her is completely normal human behavior. Human socialisation is based on values, good or bad that are passed down from one generation to the next and accepted as norm.

I saw my first jungle justice at around the age of 15 and it struck me almost instantly that what I was watching was very wrong as the level of human suffering was too much to bear not to mention the people dishing out the beating was having way too much fun at the expense of this man’s suffering. I saw a lady tie up a dog and beat it for taking something from her kitchen table and I know instantly that what she was doing was wrong as the level of animal cruelty was also too much to bear. My father and I saw a woman beating a child and it was no ordinary beating, she completely lost it and was no longer in control of the situation so my father pulled her off the child, took that child home with us where he spent rest of the weekend and it was not until she calmed down and spoke to my father that she realized that what she was doing was wrong. So my level of compassion and values was inherited from my family, friends and my unique experiences in life.

I totally agree that no one puts a gun in a black ghetto person’s hand and forces him to squeeze the trigger taking another person’s life. That is the decision made by that person alone and only that individual is responsible for his or her actions and must pay the price. But that does not say, that this human created system did not play a part in their twisted decision making process, because who we are today, is as a result of that system that can create the conditions for such behavior as it desensitize, dehumanize, alienate and promotes a dog eat dog environment. If a child grows up in an environment where guns are barking day and night, bullet flying everywhere, fights are common occurrence, dead bodies are a common in streets and people literally take what they want from each other because they live by the code of survival for the fittest. Then how in heavens name do we expect these kids to grow up any differently from their immediate surroundings since they will live what they learn, they will internalize and normalize what they see around them.

All one needs to do is listen to some of these people and you will realize their concept of life is totally foreign and they believe there is nothing wrong with it. Yes ignorant, uneducated people believe their ignorance is perfectly OK and they are not afraid to give you some convoluted, twisted logic as to why. Before a man can pull himself out of the gutter he must first have the Where-With-All to, a) realize he is in the gutter and b) that there are other options, c) everything that he thought as normal was in fact abnormal and not how human beings should live and d) he must live in a society that is more accepting of him, one that practice inclusion not exclusion and allocates resources in a more egalitarian manor.

One will also find that solutions are based on human nature and experiences. We get different solutions from different people based on how they were socialized and raised, based on their outlook on life, education level and values. It is easier for some to just disregard these people as animals, beyond help and a waste of time and some will say they are living just how they want to live. Others will say they should Just Pull themselves Up By their own Bootstraps and if you ask a gangster or a murderer why they did what they did some will say they were pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps best they know how in a dog eat dog world. It is also true that if you try to implement change in the ghetto, to modify their behavior, to legislate change most will resist such change. There are lots of people in the Ghetto who does not want change or structure, some are very comfortable with the system they already know. For many people ghetto life is nice because ignorance is blitz, the ghetto represents a certain level of freedom and irresponsibility that is not enjoyed by any other sector of society…

I wish the solution was that simple, that all you have to do is to tell people to simply stop doing wrong things and do the right things, stop your killing, robbing and raping your fellow man, just stop being ignorant and they would immediately see the error of their ways but looking at human history and my unprofessional study of human nature, it is never that easy. I have been called a Left, Leaning and Liberal Lackey simply because some believe I am wasting my time trying to understand the behavior of man and human nature, that there is nothing to understand, they are simply disgusting animals …end of… and I am the first to say that some of them are beyond help but the fact that man was not born with a genetic predisposition to hate and to murder other man but acquire these traits through insufficient socialization, tells me that our society must do more to help in the socialization of our young, to give them the Where-With-All to rise up and overcome these urges, since children live what they learn we must make sure they are being taught the right values because the greater good of humanity demands it.

More aboutOh, the Humanity!!!

The Premature 'Death Belt' in America.

Posted by luputtenan1 on Saturday, July 20, 2013

Living in a high-poverty area often means a lifetime of struggle with underperforming public schools, limited job opportunities, higher crime rates, and poor nutrition, health care and housing — all of which can add up to a shorter, sicker retirement.
Americans who live in the South can expect to live fewer healthy years past 65 than those who live in other parts of the country, according to a new report from the CDC. Health disparities among seniors in their final years align closely with profound geographical differences in poverty. The region where more than 30 percent of people live in high-poverty areas — dubbed the "poverty belt" by The Atlantic's Richard Florida, falls right over the states with the lowest healthy life expectancies. As inequality in the U.S. climbs steadily, this public health crisis may only expand.  Why?  Look at what the majority of the people who live in the 'pverty belt' eat and drink!  It is all acidic and disease causing, especially fried chicken!
Infographic by Jan Diehm for The Huffington Post.
More aboutThe Premature 'Death Belt' in America.

Black Violence, Black Problem?.... Big Profit

Posted by luputtenan1 on Thursday, July 18, 2013

Chicago’s crime rate continues to rise: 41 shootings reported over the weekend...

Does the attitude of the American society contribute to the increase in black on black crime? Do the powers that be even care, or is it a matter of black violence, black problem, who cares so long as that problem is confined to black areas. I have been reading various comments on messaging boards regarding crime in America, it is clear that some white Americans take great pleasure in pointing out that the level of Black on Black crime is proof that blacks are inferior and genetically predisposed to crime and violence, some are certainly enjoying themselves at the expense of human misery.

They do not see this as an American problem, no, to them America is quite fine and operating within normal parameters, since the people committing the crimes are of African origin which proves that they are savages and in their world everything is hunky dory. What made it even worst is the fact that America's President is half black, so it is even more important that black people in general fail. There are certain elements of white America who have made it their lives work to prove that blacks are inferior, savages and a threat to society. What amazes me was that during hard times, for example, the World Trade Centre attack, they pretend to be one people, unified against the world, it was a pretentious hug fest performed for the benefit of others but in reality they are anything but unified. It seems black people pay taxes but are expected to solve their own crime problem as the security forces are for protecting whites only.

I do not believe that black people or any other human being for that matter are genetically predisposed to violence, so why then are some black people acting inferior and like savages towards each other in one of the world’s richest and most powerful country? For the most part American Black Ghettos are not created by accident, they were engineered into existence and what is happening today is by design, a process that was put in place long ago to create a culture of ignorance and violence within the black population which is now self-sustaining, taking on a life of its own, while the people who helped to engineer this situation, sit back and enjoy their handy work. Take for example Levittown which was designed to provide a large amount of housing at a time when there was a high demand for affordable family homes. Before the sale of Levittown homes began, the sales agents were aware that no applications from black families would be accepted. As a result American veterans who wished to purchase a home in Levittown were unable to do so if they were black. William Levitt, the promoter of Levittown, attempted to justify their decision by saying that whites prefer not to live in mixed communities and his decision was only business not personal. This mind-set also extended to both governments and corporations who invest more in white areas than they do in black areas.

Of course, without a shadow of a doubt, black people must accept full responsibilities for their actions or lack of actions in allowing the spread of pure ignorance to swagger throughout black communities. I will go even further to say that as Human Beings regardless of colour, we must accept responsibilities for our actions or lack of actions but I have been on this earth long enough to know human beings do not regard themselves as one unified entity. No one really cares about the level of ignorance that is swaggering its way across black communities, no one really cares about finding solutions not the government, not corporations and certainly not popular black culture who depends on this level of ignorance to get paid. It is also retarded to expect ignorant people to come up with their own solutions, well for one they are ignorant and it is their ignorance that is the cause of the problem and I am certain you will not like the solutions they come up with, the self-sustaining crime and violence in the black Ghettos is evidence of that.

Enter the For-Profit Prison System that requires millions of customers for its shareholder to make a profit and… tag you are it, black people. This is also part of the design process where people are engineered to become customers to the Prison system, private contract companies are hired and are paid per head to run the system, the bigger the prison population the more money they get and a steady flow of inmates are required to keep that cash flow going. It stands to reason that loads of people are profiting off Black peoples ignorance, so why would the stakeholders want to put in place measures that would stop this flow of easy cash money... The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population. But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners, 2.3 million criminals behind bars. It has 751 people in prison or jail for every 100,000 in population. (If you count only adults, 1 in 100 Americans is locked up.). Approximately 12%-13% of the American population is African-American, but they make up a staggering 40.1% of the prison population, 1 in 3 Black Men Go to Prison. The lack of investments in Black Communities was designed to help feed this prison system, these areas have poor and dilapidated educational institutions, poorly paid and unqualified teachers and lack of proper health care and job opportunities. Black communities are left alone, isolated from the mainstream and allowed to stew in their own festering pool of ignorance. Everyone knows that if you want your child to have a proper education, you must try to get them in a school with majority white pupils because that is where your tax dollars goes. Not to mention American Ghettos are laboratories for GMO companies selling all manner of nasty disgusting chemicals they call food and the source of great wealth for Gun manufacturers and sellers, guns are everywhere in America. The fact is if the parents are uneducated and ignorant then chances are the child will also be uneducated and ignorant and even more than the parent.

The For Profit Prison System is big business, take for example, Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and GEO Group, Prison Contract Companies with 50 percent of their annual earnings through state level contracts, while the remaining 50 percent comes through contracts with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, US Marshals and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and as of 2010, these two private prison giants netted a total of $2.9 billion and got $29 million in tax dollars each year …just these two companies. AND get this…. According to NASDAQ data, the retirement funds of government employees – including public school teachers – "are some of the biggest investors in private prisons": "The retirement funds for public employees and teachers in New York and California together have about $60 million ($30 million each) invested in CCA and GEO. Teacher retirement funds in Texas and Kentucky have $8.3 million and $4 million invested in prisons respectively, and public employees in Florida ($10.3 million), Ohio ($8.6 million), Texas ($5.6 million), Arizona ($5.3 million), and Colorado ($2.25 million) are also connected to the industry."

Breaking the cycle of Black on Black violence is not going to be easy nor will it end anytime soon as it is not in the best interest of Corporate America and the Government, coupled with the fact that the problems that exist in the black communities are confined to those communities, so very little chance of it reaching white main street America. As I said in a previous post, one long, long time ago in America, we were taking my cousins girlfriend back to her campus in Westchester, when the cops pulled us over, he ask us why we were in his neck of the woods and told us to leave as soon as possible, after we dropped her off, we looked behind us to see him following us all the way back to the highway, just to make sure we got out of town…

Poverty, violence and human suffering is big business for white America, so if you have a few quid and do not mind making money off human misery and suffering then these are the stocks you need to buy because as Wesley Snipes said in the movie Passenger 57 …."Always bet on black"

Corrections Corp of America
NYSE: CXW - Jul 18 2:57pm ET
33.02+0.02 (0.06%)
The Geo Group, Inc.
NYSE: GEO - Jul 18 2:57pm ET
35.30+0.42 (1.20%)

The Incarceration Epidemic - About one-fourth of all incarcerated people on Earth is in the U.S. That constitutes a public health problem.

As of FY09, Black Soldiers comprised approximately 20% of the active-duty Army, 13% of theArmy National Guard, and 22% of the Army Reserve.

Blacks serve in the Army at a rate that is higher than their representation in the U.S. population. For example, as of FY09, the percentage of Black enlisted Soldiers in the active-duty Army was 21% compared to 17% of the U.S. population of 18-39 year old Blacks with high school diplomas. High representation of Blacks was also noted in the Officer ranks where 13% were Black compared to 9% of the U.S. population of 25-54 year old Blacks with college degrees.

The Jamaican Ghetto was created for almost the same reason as their American counterpart, born out of slavery, colonialism, rejection and poverty but it was the home grown colonial black Jamaicans who transformed it into what it is today for the very same reasons, for Greed, Power and money. Our Prison System however is not a For-Profit Prison system, unless you include the guards taking bribes, as power and money is not centered around it but on our ghettos. Is it me or are Jamaicans in the Ghetto spending their time watching nightly international news to find out the names of the world’s most disgusting hot spots, and crazy lunatics then rename their communities and themselves to match crazy town… Vietnam', 'Angola' or 'Jungle 12, Angola' is Goldsmith Villas and 'Vietnam' is Bottom River. 'Jungle 12', named for 12 young men who had and admired friends in 'Jungle' (Arnett Gardens) is Colour Yellow and the now famous Gaza.

Human Misery as Entertainment
MSNBC -Lockup
TruTv- Inside American Jail
NatGeo- Lockdown
TLC- Police Women of Broward County
TLC- Police Women of Memphis
Spike TV-DEA
A&E-The First 48
A&E-Steven Seagal: Lawman
truTV-Las Vegas Jailhouse
G4- Campus PD
TLC- Mall Cops

The Dealer

The Addicted Users

More aboutBlack Violence, Black Problem?.... Big Profit

The pH Miracle 14 Day Liquid Feast & Whole Body Cleanse!

Posted by luputtenan1 on Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The pH MIRACLE® 14 Day Liquid Feast &
Whole Body Cleanse
Daily Cleanse Classroom and Nightly Calls with Guest Speakers.
Coming July 17 – 31, 2013
6pm Pacific 9pm Eastern
Complimentary Cleanse Kick-Off Call Tonight!
Get all of your cleanse questions answered
6:00 pm PST 9:00 pm EST
Dial-In Number: (805) 399-1000
Access Code: 646621#
Back-Up Phone Number: (559) 546-1400
Enter Dial-In Number: (805) 399-1000
Access Code: 646621#
 Hosted by: Glenn & Lori Stone & Brian Claypool
Special Surprise Guest Speakers
We are excited to announce to you the The pH Miracle™ 14 Day Liquid Feast & Whole Body Cleanse, based on the science of Dr. Robert O. Young, pioneer of the "New Biology" for over 30 years.  Come join us now, as we cleanse together and take your health to the next level. Cleanse, Detoxify and Alkalize your trillions of cells while being supported by a world class health coaching team led by Glenn Stone, one of Dr. Young's top health coaches and a living pH Miracle himself.
Your Transformation is Waiting

Spring is gone, summer is here and it’s time to be able to fit into your favorite swimsuits and summer gear. Although weight loss is not the only thing that you can accomplish during the 14 days, it is a positive side effect. We plan to assist you to cleanse and
 detoxify your mind, body and soul as well as losing acidic weight that causes fat to accumulate. If you do not need to lose weight, we will teach you how to maintain your existing weight and create healthy and larger muscles in the process.  

Lori and Glenn, Wellness Consultants have over 17 years experience with Shelley and Dr. Young. They were part of the team of Leaders that ran the product calls as well as the cleanses for InnerLight. Glenn also hosted a series of conference calls for Shelley and Dr. Young. You can Click these Links to Purchase these DVD SeriespH Miracle for Men & Women and pH Miracle for Cancer

Lori, Glenn, and Brian Claypool (a Microscopist and Health Coach who has been trained by Dr. Young), will help you to achieve your health goals by alkalizing during the cleanse. During each day of the cleanse, we will provide you with a Cleanse Classroom Support Call that you can call into and have all of your personal questions answered. The Cleanse Classroom calls will be at 11:00 am Pacific and 2:00 pm Eastern  Each  evening we will have another cleanse call with outstanding guest speakers. This Cleanse Call will be at 6:00 pm Pacific and 9:00 pm Eastern each day of the cleanse. We will also be recording all of the calls and will email you a link to 
listen and download a copy to listen to at your convenience, and be able to refer back to. We would love to have you join us. You can Enroll for this cleanse here:

We are also offering a complimentary/FREE Cleanse Kick-Off Call Tuesday July 16th, 2013, at 6:00 pm Pacific,9:00 pm Eastern (call information above) . The actual Cleanse will run from Wednesday, July 17th - 31st, 2013. During the Complimentary call we will be explaining the different ways you can cleanse, from Good, Better, Best and Outstanding. We will also teach you about this particular Alkalizing 14 Day Cleanse, Dr. Young's' supporting products as well as answer ALL of your questions. 
Here are just a few things you can
expect to accomplish on this cleanse:

In the words of Dr. Young,
"Get off your acid, and up your pH”
1.     More mental clarity and concentration
2.     Improved digestion
3.     Clear beautiful skin
4.     More energy and vitality
5.     Remove excess acidity around vital organs and fat areas of the body
6.     Get rid of aches and pains
7.     Drop weight and inches fast
8.     Learn the 9 step cycle of moving from imbalance to balance.
And as an Extra Bonus, save 20% Off of the pH Miracle™ products on this website after you sign-up for this cleanse. Also receive $25.00 back for everyone you refer who enrolls in the cleanse (email us their info to get credit). And as an extra extra bonus, receive a complimentary 20 minute coaching call. Once again, you can sign up for the Cleanse here
Dr. Young will be a guest speaker on one of the calls. We will have many more of your favorite expert speakers during the cleanse, speaking on a range of subjects that specifically relate to the cleanse from colon, lymphatic and organ support, to detoxification and emotional healing. Remember this is NOT a fast, this is a FEAST. You can eat as much as you want as often as you want and enjoy the process.
Thank You for the opportunity to send you this announcement, we look forward to hearing you on the call!
To your extraordinary Health,
Glenn, Lori, Brian and Dr. Young
This cleanse and these materials, documents, and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Before starting this program please be sure to check with your physician or health care practitioner.
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To learn more about Dr. Robert and Shelley Young's Science visit:

pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US

© Copyright 2013 - pH Miracle, Inc.
All rights are reserved. Content may be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, or transferred, for single use, or by nonprofit organizations for educational purposes, if correct attribution is made to 
Dr. Robert O. Young. and Shelley Redford Young

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Robert Young | 16390 Dia Del Sol | Valley Center, CA 92082
More aboutThe pH Miracle 14 Day Liquid Feast & Whole Body Cleanse!