Jamaica the Welfare and Entitlement State

Posted by luputtenan1 on Saturday, September 29, 2012

  • Independence and Freedom means absolutely nothing without a strong sense Responsibility and Discipline.

  • Equality, Social-Justice, Self-Reliance and Discipline are wonderful principles to live by and we should try to instill these principles back into our society.
Garrison is the collective term for a body of troops stationed in a particular location, originally to guard it, but now often simply using it as a home base. The garrison is usually in a city, town, fort, castle or similar. "Garrison town" is a common expression for any town that has a military base nearby.

In Jamaica a Garrison is the collective term for a body of diehard partisan voters stationed in a particular poverty stricken ghetto location, created to secure votes for a particular political party and used as a home base for criminal activities and nightly Dancehall Merriment. The residences of the Jamaican Garrison are afforded certain rights and liberty by the political class that is not given to regular citizens living outside of the garrison community. The Ghetto Garrison is a self-Governing entity whose leaders are appointed by the executive members of the political class. Most people living in the Ghetto Garrison pay no taxes and enjoy various utilities for free, as payment for votes rendered and for turning a blind eye to violence and crime.

The Jamaican Garrison Community was created by the political class, over the years they have meticulously engineered and transformed certain low income, working class communities with decent hard working people by injecting violent drug gangs used to set up and maintain puppet regimes with the primary purpose of ensuring that the people within the Political constituency vote as one, in a block.

Force is not the only way of maintaining a Garrison, it is required from time to time to make sure the people remember just who is in charge, coupled with force is free handout, give a hungry, poverty stricken man a dry crackers and he will love you for life, as the years progress the mindset of the people change as they become more accepting of Ghetto Garrison lifestyle, at which point the hard work of transforming hearts and minds is over, the Ghetto Garrison is now a self-sustaining, living entity free to evolve into what it is today. These days most of the inhabitants of Ghetto Garrison were born into that system, it is all they know and want to know, the people have adapted to life in the Ghetto.

Our political class has mastered the formula for Ghetto Garrisons creation, at the core of any Ghetto Garrison is low investment in education coupled with the freedom and liberty to be totally irresponsible and indiscipline, the likes of which is not afforded to anyone else. Poverty is also essential tool in creating the Ghetto Garrisons, if they are poor enough, uneducated enough, hungry enough then you can control their hearts and minds, just give them enough to keep them eating out of your hands and because hardship alone won’t work, you then give them the freedom and the liberty to enjoy themselves anyway and anytime they choose. The Ghetto Garrison only has two rules, 1) only vote for one party and 2) “informer fi dead”, no matter how disgusting the crime or how close to home the crime is committed… “Say Nothing and defend your friendly neighborhood Crime Lord/Don/Warlord and Political Activist!!

When most of us think of the ghetto we think of rundown shanty town community, somewhere disgusting, violent and nasty, a place where everyone is trying to escape from, trying to claw their way out but cannot, trapped like prisoners in a penal colony, unable to break free, destined to live a life of suffering and crime.

The ghetto might be all these things but is everyone really trying to escape it? Could it be that for a large amount of its inhabitants the ghetto offers a type of life, liberty, freedom and lifestyle that can exist nowhere else? This makes living in the Ghetto worthwhile and the negatives a small price to pay.

Life outside of the ghetto is very structured and organized, almost regimental, executed with a sense of purpose where one is not free to do what one wants to do. Life outside of the Ghetto follows a strict code of conduct that sees us sacrificing certain amount of liberty and freedom. It is truly a rat race where everyone tries to play the game in order to stay one foot out of the dreaded ghetto and want to achieve the Jamaican uptown dream, big house on the hill, a big car and maybe a browning or two. Most of the anxiety about the ghetto comes from people living outside of the ghetto, since to them it is a scary black box, a place dark and disgusting with guns barking nightly, people running from here to there, kids crying and the streets filled with dead bodies.

I saw this printed on the T-Shirt of a Hood Rat and wondered why the Glorification of Criminality

If the Ghetto is such a dark disgusting, hellish place then why would anybody live there, anywhere would be better than that place. A nice quiet rural community, where one could plant some food and live a nice quiet life would certainly be more appealing than the dreaded ghetto. But I have been told that Ghettos Life Nice. A life without structure, I was told that very little rat race exist in the ghetto and it is all about ones comfort level. Lots of people in the ghetto get to live for free. Lots of people in the ghetto have electricity and water they never have to pay for and free health care at the expense of the state. I have been told that the vibes in the ghetto does not exist anywhere else.

Della - Ghetto Life Nice (2012) 

I am by no means saying that there are not people in the ghetto struggling and trying to get out, what I am saying is that it is becoming very hard to identify these people, to separate them from the spongers and blood suckers of our society. A lot of people in our society pay lip service to Poverty, using poverty as a means to an end. Our political class pays lip service to poverty all the time, it is their favorite pastime. Paying lip service to poverty and the poor can win you votes because it makes members of the political class look like they are defenders of the poor and downtrodden. The so called Poor and Downtrodden also use poverty to get what they want and live how they want as these days crying poverty is now the “Great Excuse”.

The Political Class have converted Jamaica into a welfare state since the most important thing to the political class is votes, it is the source of their wealth and power and the poor and downtrodden are willing to give their votes in exchange for various handouts and the freedom and liberty to be Irresponsible and Indiscipline. Any attempt to hold the so called poor and downtrodden accountable is met with fierce resistance from both the poor and certain sections of the political class as each use the “Great Excuse”, we/they are too Poor and Downtrodden to be held accountable and Government should turn a blind eye to their actions and let off tax payers’ money to support their lifestyle. The poor and downtrodden of Ghetto Garrisons have created a vast network of illegal electricity connections and water pipes hook ups, on free capture land on which they squat and any attempt to hold them accountable is attacked with cries of, “leave the poor people alone… you too wicked”.

A person once wrote to the Gleaner outlined his experience trying to hire some young people to help him reap his crops from his farm. He said it was time to reap his crop but it was way too much work for both his wife and himself and as they are getting on in age he needed help. On driving out of his property he spotted some of the local young people standing idle on the street corner, he stopped and asked if they wanted the Job to help them to pick his produce. But the response he got back shocked him… “After wi nuh farma” one said … another said “a slave wok dat”... he tried to reason with the young people but to no avail so he decided to leave them to stew in their own ignorance, just before he could drive off one young man shouted … “Boss yu can let off a money, fi buy a food”…. Work no, Begging yes…

Not too long ago a group of illegal squatters was evicted after many years of being given eviction notices, one of the Poor and Downtrodden evicted woman had 8 children and pregnant with her ninth and no father in sight, all born on the captured, squatted land and I am shocked to read people asking for the Government to locate land to “Give” to these Poor and Downtrodden squatters, one person said they should find land in parishes like St. Anne to “Give” these poor people, free of change, not even asking for a smalls, out of principle? .…and I said, a how dem so lucky?

In Portland a group of squatters was evicted from Railroad land and the Government instructed the Social Development Commission to identify new land for the squatters. These people are just given free stuff at tax payers’ expense. Can I contact the Social Development Commission to find me a nice piece of land in Portland, near the beach, free of charge? …and I said, a how dem so lucky?

The Pedro Cays is a small island off the coast of Jamaica captured by 400 to 500 people as some fish the waters around cays, of which about 150 are “women”. I have been told the place have a make shift bar and a Go-Go club, in one interview a man described the place as being filled with prostitutes and nightly merriment. These people are just the nastiest most disgusting set of people I have ever seen, they have converted a once beautiful island into a shanty town, filled with shacks as they live and eat amongst their own waste and filth, they pay no taxes, most are not licensed fishermen but demand that the Government spend tax payers money to improve their living conditions. Among the health and environment issues at the Pedro Cays are the absence of running water, a lack of toilet facilities (as they defecate in plastics bags and in bushes) and a rapidly increasing garbage dump but they have bars, Go-Go club, whores and nightly merriment. …and I said, a how dem so lucky?

I read that during a conversation between the Jamaica Environment Trust and the representatives of the squatters, the trust outline some possible solution which involves some new rules and regulations as to how Pedro cays should be used. The poor and downtrodden hates rules and regulation, they do not like it and are not afraid to tell anyone who dare to impose or propose Rules and Regulation where they can stick it. They asked for attention but did not like the attention they were getting since it meant a change of lifestyle, so some took to the air waves to assure the General Public that it was a lie, all is well, they no longer want the spot light turn on them.

TVJ Peter Espeut - Environmentalist and Shernett Linton - Shopkeeper at Pedro Cays

It was reported the other day that the Government is to use tax payer’s money to build bathroom facilities for the residents of Tivoli Gardens. WTF!! When is it the Governments duty to build bathrooms and if it is the Governments Job, how then can I get them to make an addition to my house, free of charge, at tax payers’ expense? The residence of Tivoli gardens can keep a dance almost every night, carry on with the most almshouse and slackness but cannot build their own Shit House?

There are people in and out of the ghetto who sells ghetto sympathy and guilt which is used by the people in the ghetto to get what they want and live how they want to live...
  • They are poor so it is OK for them to keep a dance 7 nights a week… “Tun-It-Up-Till-It-Buck-And-Stuck”. 
  • They are poor so it is OK for them to capture and squat on land they do not own. 
  • They are poor so they should not have to pay for electricity, Water or pay taxes. 
  • They are poor so the government should finance their existence with tax payer’s money. 
Jamaica it seems is an entitlement society, a welfare state where some people think the tax payer owes them a living and should finance their existence... Everybody wants to “Eat-A-Food” and at everybody else’s expense… We are being used by these type of people and we must identify them and show them the error of their ways, we have no problem helping people who try to help themselves, what we have is a problem with people who have no intention of helping themselves and use cries of being poor and downtrodden as a way of life to sponge of our society...

It is not only we who are being used, ghetto people are also being used by the political class, these people are told that so long as they vote for a particular party, run behind the Political representative and carry on like low class idiots, that when that party comes to power they will be allowed to live at the expense of the tax payer and however they want.....

Entitlement and Welfare are traits belonging to much richer countries who can afford to subsidize people’s existence with tax payer’s money. There is no way poorer countries can afford to do this and must then rely on their people to be a bit more practical, industrious, innovative and think outside of the box for the greater good.

However it gets very hard to motivate people when they see such large unequal distribution of resources and income inequality. Political corruption is demoralizing to any society; it is like being stabbed in the back. Here we are busting our chops trying to contribute to the greater good, following the Rules and Regulations of our society that was put in place by the political class, while the very same political class like pigs at the trough gorge themselves at the public’s expense, consuming the public’s resources for their own selfish, greedy needs. It is part of the reason we are in the mess we are in today because rat “nyam” (eat) out the conscience of our Political leaders.

I understand that a lot of these people are poor but giving them free stuff without demanding any sort of accountability is doing more harm than good. We do not give squatters free land, we rent/lease or sell them land, they must provide monthly payment, if even $100 but they must learn to be responsible. We do not give fisherman free access to Pedro Cays and the freedom to build what they want and live how they want. The Government should build standardized huts, for a certain number of people on the island and rent/lease these huts to licensed, tax paying Fishermen only, with regular patrols carried out to make sure people who belong on the island is actually on the island as a matter of fact access to the island should be done through the coast guard front office who registers who is on the island at any one time but all this is wishful thinking, since in order to guarantee votes the political class have allowed the so called Poor and Downtrodden people of the Ghetto Garrisons the Freedom and Liberty to be completely "Irresponsible and Indiscipline".

There is a lot of hard working poor and low income people in Jamaica, these are the people who through strength, courage and discipline try their very best to carve out a future for themselves and their families, they follow the rules and regulation of this country, they want to achieve and most are not asking for a handout or to live at anyone’s expense. These are the people we as a society need to identify and do our very best to give them a helping hand, they are deserving of our help because for these people our help is not regarded as a handout but an investment in the future of Jamaica,  they and their children will make us proud.
Independence and Freedom means absolutely nothing without a strong sense Responsibility and Discipline
Equality, Social-Justice, Self-Reliance and Discipline are wonderful principles to live by and we should try to instill these principles back into our society.


Political Tribalism will be the death of us, as we are way too small and too poor to survive this crab in a barrel mentality.
More aboutJamaica the Welfare and Entitlement State

Jamaican Mannish, Goat Head Soup

Posted by luputtenan1

When I was young I hated soup and spend hours at the dinner table as I was not allowed to leave the table until I finished by dinner. I did not understand why we had to drink our dinner but being older I love soup and drink it almost everyday soup, I just love those squiddly dumplings. The other day for lunch I had goat head soup and normally I enjoy eating the mushed up mystery bits of meat and cartilage with my yam, dumpling and Irish potato but on that day the soup was a turn off…

Imagine my surprise when I went in with my spoon only to come up with a piece of goat jaw bone with the dental work intact! I tell you this goat had a healthy set of teeth but it was a turn off and I could not continue. I quickly put the lid back on the container and deposited the soup in the trash or maybe I should have taken it outside and give it a proper burial, then say a prayer or two.
More aboutJamaican Mannish, Goat Head Soup

Remove the Human Infestation

Posted by luputtenan1 on Friday, September 28, 2012

Portland Rock Expedition, Pedro Cays, Jamaica 

Pedro Cays, are four small, flat (2 to 5 metres high), low-lying and mostly uninhabited cays, lie about midway along the southern edge of the eastern half of Pedro Bank. The Middle Cay was captured by 400 to 500 people as a fishing outpost, of which about 150 are “women”. I have been told the place have a make shift bar and a Go-Go club, in one interview a man describe the place as being filled with prostitutes and nightly merriment. These people are just the nastiest most disgusting set of people I have ever seen, they have converted a once beautiful island into a shanty town, filled with shacks as they live and eat among their own waste and filth, they pay no taxes, most are not licensed fishermen but demand that the Government spend tax payers money to improve their living conditions. Among the health and environment issues at the Pedro Cays are the absence of running water, a lack of toilet facilities and a rapidly increasing garbage dump but they have bars, Go-Go club, whores and nightly merriment? WTF!!!

Garbage and Filth!
I read that during a conversation between the Jamaica Environment Trust and the representatives of the squatters, the trust outline some possible solution with involves new Rules and Regulations as to how Pedro cays should be used. The poor and downtrodden hates Rules and Regulation, they do not like it and are not afraid to tell anyone who dare propose any Rules and Regulation where they can stick it.

Disgusting Animals!!

If the people who live over there have no sense of decency, not even the basic concept of picking up after themselves, much less making sure their surroundings are clean and tidy then throwing money at it, is like throwing pearls before nasty disgusting swines, It will only become a sink hole for money. Yes basic service is required but I would prefer to remove the Human Infestation, they are like a virus and remove their shacks and return the area to the wild as wild animals have more respect for nature, themselves and their surroundings.

Poor Masked Booby bird trying to hatch her eggs amid them filth!!

When people discuss "Invasive Species" they typically mean plants and animals that are introduced to an area and wipe out resident species and upset the ecosystem. It never occurs to people that HUMANS are also an invasive species and it does not get any more invasive than them nasty people!

"I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure."

Might as well the sea level rise and reclaim the Cays

This is how I think this small Island should look:
Miskito Cays Nicaragua

Instead this is how Middle Cay look today:
Rundown Shanty town Shacks

Peter Espeut - Environmentalist and Shernett Linton  - Shopkeeper at Pedro Cays
The State of the Pedro Cays

People who created the filthy conditions and living amongst it!!!

"And Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Roger Clarke returned from their visit to the Pedro Cays said he was buoyed by the residents' apparent willingness to help solve the problem…

In addition to the absence of running water, residents have had to contend with poor and inadequate toilet facilities that have prompted them to designate an area on the tiny island to pass urine and faeces. At the same time, they have also done battle with an increasing garbage dump, which some among them have said has to be burnt each night to prevent it reaching their doors."

Ministers buoyed by Pedro Cays visit

The Shit House

More aboutRemove the Human Infestation

On Mark Halsey

Posted by luputtenan1 on Monday, September 24, 2012

......By Agent86

Let’s be clear on three things first.
  • I've only refereed one match. It was an U-12 game in 1990-something 
  • I only saw the last 15 minutes of the Liverpool vs. Manchester United match yesterday 
  • Players win or lose games but referee decisions matter

Broadcasters should put up some indication of when a team is playing a man short because of a red card. With modern graphics/technology, how difficult would that be? Mind, just from the flow of the match at the point I started watching, it was a little hard to tell that the teams were not even numbers-wise. That is typical of a match where the home team is down, attacking, and playing with more urgency than the team that is trying to “kill off” the game.

Very late into added time, Luis Suarez was fouled near the United penalty area, maybe five meters wide of the box and certainly not close enough to pose a significant threat to the United goal. Nevertheless, he was fouled. Liverpool kept possession but in doing so, the ball was now back farther up-field. Yes, the advantage rule is designed to keep the fouled team from losing momentum, position, and/or the attack potential that may be thwarted if the game is stopped for a free kick – and even for issuing a yellow card since that can be done the next time play is stopped.

When Mark Halsey chose not to blow the whistle for the foul on Suarez, he invoked the advantage rule. Fine! However, when he failed to consider that the ball had been played away from the United goal, he allowed the team already with an advantage to reposition itself and edge closer to the final whistle. When Halsey did not consider that Liverpool were down not just Jonjo Shelvey for the red but also the injured Martin Kelly, he was NOT playing the advantage rule.

Mark Halsey The Twelfth Man!
Unless the ball was heading into United’s net or unless a Liverpool player was in a clear position to put the ball into the net from the next pass after the foul, then what advantage is there in allowing the team with two more players to reshape itself and let more time to pass? Once again a referee failed to make the appropriate decision. Which is common enough, but the beneficiaries are once again the team from the red side of Manchester.
More aboutOn Mark Halsey

Reversing Breast Cancer with the pH Miracle "LIFE" style

Posted by luputtenan1 on Sunday, September 23, 2012

The following is an unsolicited testimony of Deborah Tumlinson who reversed her
breast cancer without surgery, radiation or chemical therapy.  She wrote this
letter in response to a critic of Dr. Robert Young's work and its efficacy.

I am a breast cancer patient who went to PH Miracle Ranch and was helped and
healed. I was scheduled for a bilateral mascetomy that was recommended by my
two doctors. I was resigned to the fact that I would lose both my breasts and
would have to endure months of chemo and radiation. This was my destiny
I was scheduled on thursday june 15 for that surgery and I was recommended to
the ranch by a friend June 11 to consult with Dr Young..

When I met with Dr Young and his staff he explained the entire program but first
he referred me for tests with my medical doctors (my primary and vascular

After the medical results were obtained and we could see all my medical issues,
he then recommended a change in food, exercise and totally new lifestyle
program. I was skeptical to say the least. He asked me to give it two weeks and
I agreed.

After two weeks I lost 15 lbs, my high blood sugar was reduced in half , my
cholesteral was reduced in half. I had been diagnosed with a fatty liver,
bacterial and fungal infections and of course stage 3 breast cancer all were
greatly improved as evidenced by my ultrasound tests, these tests were not
adminstered by Dr. Young. They were performed by another medical doctor who saw
the marked improvements.

When I came to the ranch I was constantly in pain and on pain medications (
percocet, oxycodone and oxycontin). So much pain meds I could not drive. Those
two weeks changed my life forever. I no longer have headaches, low energy or
sugar cravings. Dr Young explained that cancer feeds on sugar. When I stopped
eating dairy, sugar, grains and processed foods my body started to heal.

My traditional doctors were amazed with my results and ordered new tests. These
tests were after 8 weeks on the PH Miracle program. The third ultrasound
showed my tumor reduced by 40 %. This was all without surgery radiation or
chemo. They tried to reason away a 3.18 CM tumor now down to 1.5 CM. They could
not and they insisted I get chemo or radiation. The cancer had not spread to my
lymph nodes or my other vital organs. I was diagnosed with invasive form of
breast cancer. When I asked what caused my cancer no one could say. Yet they
kept telling me I would die without their treatment. My most recent test show
62% reduction down to .7 cm for my tumor. All these results from PH Miracle
Plan not from surgery, not from chemo, and not from radiation.

The point of this email is to tell you that you do not have all the facts. You
are not the only one who was skeptical. I was in fact going to give my money to
someone after reading about his arrests but the whole truth is Dr Young and his
wife Shelley Redford Young have dedicated 35 years to helping people. Check
their website where hundreds of people testify to the own Ph Miracles.

There are two sides to every story but the truth lies in the middle. The
comments on the internet are to scare people away. Your comments may frighten
someone that the ranch may help. Watch the videos. No one is paid for them and
yet they sit down and tell their stories.

I have a lot of respect for this Dr who is so passionate that he was willing to
be ARRESTED for his program. The fact is he was arrested but the charges were
dropped and both cases have been expunged. I know because I paid $25 to check
the records and I have them. I wanted to know for myself.

I know your intentions were to help but I implore you to read the literature,
watch the videos and know that there are thousands of patients like me who have
a PH Miracle. Allow these patients who have been told they have no hope or a
chance get their miracle.
I have mine and will be forever grateful. Words could never express my

Sincerely a PH Miracle,

Deborah Tumlinson
More aboutReversing Breast Cancer with the pH Miracle "LIFE" style

Are Vaccines Killing Our Children!

Posted by luputtenan1 on Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I am honored to be able to share with you some very important information on Hep B vaccine and its toxic affect on children. This article is written by Sinead Dumigan and represents many of my own researched findings that I documented over ten years ago and published in a technical essay entitled, "A Second Thought about Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis."

There are two scriptures in the Bible that come to mind as I think about how vaccines are killing us by poisoning and acidifying the delicate alkaline pH of our blood and tissues. The first is: Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge, and the second, Luke 10:3 - Behold I send you as lambs amongst wolves.

Society has inadvertently witnessed the most gruesome and belligerent attacks imaginable; a massacre of innocence executed with such spite and audacity, yet hidden meticulously by a protected veil of secrecy.

Mandatory vaccination has forever altered the beauty of childhood, but the true deception lies within the ironic twist of events stemming from a parent’s attempts to protect the life of their child. Oblivious to the evil at work, parents follow vaccine stipulations with a blind faith, finding solace only in hearing their children have been spared from the pain and desperation such diseases inflict.

Never before has reality been so critically distorted; with every secret comes a stream of tears. It is too late coming for many, but truth remains the only hope for the future of humanity.

The alleged Hepatitis B virus (HBV) threat to infants is, quite possibly, anew low for the American government, which, in itself, is a difficult task to accomplish, but especially since the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) indicates high risk populations as "sexually active ...adults with more than one sex partner … or have a history of sexually transmitted disease; homosexual or bisexual men; illicit injection drug users … at occupational risk … hemo-dialysis patient … clients and staff of institutions.”

Generally, and with as much sarcasm as can be conveyed, not too many newborns fit any of the profiles mentioned above. Moreover, citizens are given the impression that HBV infections are life threatening, but in all actuality, roughly 50% of those exposed show no symptoms at all; while another 30% experience flu-like symptoms for a few weeks, but both recover entirely and develop lifelong immunity in the process.

The residual 20% of people exposed to HBV may develop jaundice, nausea, abdominal pain, fever, appetite loss, fatigue, itching, or in serious cases, liver cancer or cirrhoses.

Now, of those 20% who do experience these symptoms, 95% will recover completely leaving only 5% as chronic carriers, which, completelycontradicts the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC)statement in 1991, that "1 million-1.25 million persons with chronic HBVinfection in the United States are potentially infectious to others,” alongwith the American Medical Association’s (AMA) 1994 statement that "more than 4,000 people die each year from hepatitis B related liver disease …before … vaccine, over 30,000 children were infected annually”.

In any case, Hepatitis B vaccines (Hep B) have evolved into an acceptedpart of a newborns life, but only when the motives for such arecommendation are exposed can parents truly comprehend the disgrace thatis mandatory inoculation.

In view of pre-mandate data establishing the U.S. had maintained one of thelowest incidence rates of HBV infection (0.1% to 0.5%) for decades,combined with additional information showing a 10% decrease in annuallyreported cases since 1986, officials were well aware that their ploy wouldrequire some serious “encouragement” for it to have any chance of beingaccepted.

Therefore, the CDC preempted impending resistance by issuing a reportwarning the public that an estimated 200,000-300,000 new hepatitis Binfections occurred annually during the period 1980-1991.

Though, what officials failed to mention was that according to the 2001paper, Incidence of Hep B Virus in USA, “national estimates of hepatitis Bincidence are corrected for underreporting using an algorithm that adjustsincidence upward by approximately 6-fold … this item is not amenable tosurvey data collection due to low incidence."

In reality, out of the 3.9 million births in 1996, there were only 54 casesof infant HBV, making the occurrence rate a meager 0.001%; though, as timewould reveal, during the same year, the Vaccine Adverse Event ReportingSystem (VAERS) shows 1,080 infants suffered serious reactions to Hep Binjections, among those are 47 families who will never see their babiesagain because they died.

Nonetheless, the damage had already been done. In 1991, the ACIP of theCDC, along with help from the American Academy of Pediatric (AAP),successfully persuaded state health officials to issue mandates compellingevery child entering daycare or school to show proof they had receivedthree doses of Hep B.

As 1997 came to a close, 35 states had vaccination requirements for school children; yet, prenatal screening, the one sure way to minimize HBVtransmission, was mandated in only 15 states, according to the NationalVaccine Information Center.

Clearly, America’s health was not the driving force behind the calamity of mass vaccination. Organizations such as the Hepatitis B Coalition, Robert Wood JohnsonFoundation, World Health Organization, All Kids Count, Children’s VaccineInitiative, CDC, FDA, state health officials, drug manufacturers, doctors,nurses, and even pharmacists glorified and pushed infant vaccination untilAmericans had been infiltrated lock, stock, and barrel; all in attempts to prevent a condition where infants "represented <10 span="span">
More aboutAre Vaccines Killing Our Children!

Men - O - Pause is a Condition of an Acidic Lifestyle and Diet

Posted by luputtenan1

Around the age of 40, a man's reproductive organs begin to be affected by dietary and metabolic acids and become less active.

This results in a decrease of the acidic hormone testosterone (which is a good thing) but a build up of other dietary and metabolic acids from stress and a diet high in protein results in lack of sex drive, impotence, erectile dysfunction, low sperm counts, frequent urination and other frequent side effects such a weight gain around the abdomen, depression and mood swings (which is a bad thing).

During men - o - pause, testosterone, an acidic waste product of reproductive activity drops off dramatically. This does not mean you need more of the acidic hormone testosterone - what you need is less dietary and metabolic acids and improved elimination of these acids through defecation, urination, perspiration and respiration.

A deficiency in alkalinity and especially alkalizing mineral salts, including sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate, can result in muscle weakness, muscle loss, muscle soreness, weight gain, frequent urination, prostatitis, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, low sperm counts, loss of skin elasticity (wrinkles), elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, sclerotic plaque, mood swings, depression and even hot flashes.

This is why I recommend Alkaline Replacement Therapy (ART) to correct the over-acidic condition and warn men of the toxic acidic affects from Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and its many symptomologies, including cancer.

It is known that alkalinity increases the bones' ability to absorb calcium, reducing the risk of weak bones and osteoporosis and the muscles to absorb magnesium, reducing the risk of muscle loss. Alkalizing mineral salts also lower your risk of heart disease and stroke, which is certainly no small matter, considering that heart disease is the leading kilter of men over age 45.

Many studies show that testosterone supplements can increase the risk of prostate cancer.


Because testosterone is an acidic toxic waste product of glandular function.

Supplementing an acidic hormone like testosterone would be like pumping carbon monoxide into your gas tank. Just as carbon monoxide is an acidic waste product of energy production so testosterone is an acidic waste product of a man's reproduction function and it is toxic to the blood, tissues and organs of the body.

This is making some doctors more conservative about dispensing prescriptions for hormone replacement therapy, particularly to men and/or women who have a family history of reproductive - system cancer.

Many of these high-risk men are successfully using alkaizing mineral salts, herbs, anti-acid nutrients and seed oils instead of testosterone to treat their men -o - pausal symptoms.


Because alkaizing minerals, herbs,  anti-acid nutrients and seed oils are alkalzing buffers of the this acidic hormone, called testosterone.

Even men who are not at high risk for reproductive-system cancers find that alkalizing herbs, mineral salts, anti-acid nutrients and seed oils offer a positive solution to their men -o - pausal woes.

And for many men who do take the acid testosterone, the herbs, alkaline mineral salts, anti-oxidant nutrients and seed oils will allow them to take a lower dose of testosterone or even get off of these toxic acidic hormonal waste products!

The Fabulous Phyto-Nutrients

Many plant phyto-nutrients are alkaline substances or antioxidants in plants that buffer and neutralize the human testosterone acid and protects the male reproductive organs.

In fact, phyto-nutrients have been present in the human diet for thousands of years and is an alkaline source to buffer dietary and metabolic acids, including testosterone or estrogen, especially in midlife and beyond.

Photo-nutrient activity is also known to be found in pomegranate seed oil (CLA).
Recently, researchers have discovered that the pomegranate seed oil (CLA) is one of the richest sources of anti-hormonal compounds.

Animal-based  anti-hormonal compounds are often used to treat symptoms of men -o - pause or menopause, but many men and/or women are reluctant to use these substances.

The pomegranate seed oil buffers the acidic affects of testosterones and estrogens and reduces the negative health symptoms associated with men - o - pause.

I have  found in my own research that alkaline buffers from mineral salts and seed oils can be very helpful in maintaining the alkaline design of a man's body, especially supporting a healthy and active reproductive system.

I recommend an increase in alkaline mineral salts of sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride to maintain the alkaline design of a man's body, especially the reproductive system.

For more information on these alkaline mineral salts go to:


I also recommends 3 to 4 grams of pomegranate seed oil (CLA) to help support the male reproductive system and prevent the symptoms associated with male reproductive acidic stress.

Finally, I recommend the amino-acid L-arginine which has been shown to help improve blood and lymph circulation prevent and reversing hypertension, coronary heart dis-ease, hyper-cholesterolemia, and erectile dysfunction.

For more information on Pomegranate Seed Oil (CLA) or L-Arginine go to:


www.phmiracleliving.com or call at: 760-751-8321
More aboutMen - O - Pause is a Condition of an Acidic Lifestyle and Diet

Mammograms and X-Rays May Cause Breast Cancer

Posted by luputtenan1 on Sunday, September 16, 2012


Mammograms and X-rays are acidic to the blood and tissues and increases the risk of cancerous breasts in women.
More aboutMammograms and X-Rays May Cause Breast Cancer

British Engineers Develop An Inexpensive Ultrasound

Posted by luputtenan1

Now there is available a low cost Ultrasound scanner that detects foetal defects as well as tumors, cysts and stones.

A hand-held scanner, costing as low as sixty dollars and of the size of a computer mouse, if plugged into any computer can reveal vital information about the foetus, liver, thyroid, gallbladder, pancreas and reproductive organs that can save lives of thousands of women, men and children, has been developed by British engineers.

The device, developed at Newcastle University could be a big help to medical teams working in the world’s poorest nations with basic, antenatal information that could save thousands of lives. The device, as big as a computer mouse, works in a similar way to existing ultrasound scanners, using pulses of high frequency sound to build up a picture of the unborn child or a liver tumor on the computer screen, according to a Newcastle statement.

However, unlike the technology used in most hospitals across Britain costing anywhere from 20,000-100,000 pounds, the scanner created by Jeff Neasham and research associate Dave Graham at Newcastle can be manufactured for as little as 30-40 pounds or 50 to 60 dollars.

Tested by experts in the Regional Medical Physics Department at the Freeman Hospital, part of the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, the scanner produces an output power that is 10-100 times lower than conventional hospital ultrasounds.

“Here in the UK, we take these routine, but potentially lifesaving, tests for granted,” explains Neasham, a sonar expert based in the University’s School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

”Imaging to obtain even the simplest information such as the child’s position in the womb or how it is developing is simply not available to women in many parts of the world,” Neasham said.

“We hope the very low cost of this device and the fact that it can run on any standard computer made in the last 10 years means basic antenatal imaging could finally be made available to all women,” Neasham added.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-2203880/Ultrasound-machine-plugs-PC-Device-raises-hackles-sex-test-campaigners-India.html#ixzz26dnTAu9h
 — with DrArthur CiaramicoliDr-Raed Elottol and DrPeter Al Semaani.
More aboutBritish Engineers Develop An Inexpensive Ultrasound

Reversing Metastatic Lung Cancer

Posted by luputtenan1

Lung Cancer Reversal Without Surgery, Radiation or Chemotherapy
The Testimonial of Inger Hartelius

Summer 2011 I went to the doctor for a health check. I’d been feeling tired and had lost a lot of weight. I ended up having an x-ray, to see if there was anything wrong.

They found a spot on my left lung and I was sent for a Biopsy. On the 21.st of July 2011 they told me the tumor was cancer and there were traces in the lymphatic system around the area.

I do not smoke and I am known as the person in the family who is very conscious about eating healthy food – so nobody could explain why I’d got lung cancer.

The doctor who’d informed me about the results said I should have radiation and chemo.
After my family and I had received the diagnosis about the spot in my lung we began searching for ways to help cure me without radiation and chemo.

My son and daughter in law had a book “Cancer is not an illness” by Andreas Moritz. Some of my friends gave me the book: “You die from cancer. And the earth is flat”. These books contained a lot of information both about research and peoples experiences from all over the world – including traditional and alternative ways to help people with cancer.

I knew when the diagnosis was given to me that I’d never go into a traditional treatment. I would rather die from the cancer.

The doctor was very surprised.  He’d never had anyone who’d said no to his suggestion. He told me that I’d probably be very, very ill within a year. The nurse who was looking after me after the consultation (because I was crying) advised me to put my life in the hands of the doctors. They knew what the best form of treatment was for me was.

Even though I was prepared I was in shock.

But I was lucky I had my family around me.

My son had heard about Dr. Robert Young and his live blood tests by Anthony Robbins - so after trying to find support in Denmark my daughter decided to write to Dr. Robert Young. We found his ideas about alkaline food combined with the focus on the blood very useful. And we also liked the fact that we could get support from someone who had a tool to look at the constitution of the body instead of focusing on the cancer.

Initially it was our intention to find someone in Europe who was taught by Dr. Young. However we changed our minds. Wednesday the 3rd of August 2011 my daughter wrote an email to Dr. Young, Thursday we got an answer and a phone number and phoned the pH-Miracle Center. Saturday the 6th of August my husband, my daughter, my son, my daughter in law and I arrived at the pH-Miracle Center.

This was the first miracle. Being there was wonderful – though I was in a special state we enjoyed every second at the center. I often thought: “Am I dreaming?” – some days before I’d thought I was going to die. Here I was in Paradise instead of at a hospital. And I became inspired and believed I wasn’t going to die after all from this cancer because I had the power to build a healthy and strong body.

At the same time we all learned about the pH-Miracle lifestyle. How we can keep our blood alive and healthy, how we can eat to keep our pH high, how we can understand why cancer shows up in a body, how we can cook healthy food plus a lot more.

On top of this we were surrounded by caring men and women and happy children – many of them with a personal story about how the pH-Miracle program had changed their lives.
So I left the Ph-Miracle Center believing in and trusting the program.

In Denmark Dr. Pernille Knudtzon who is an ordinary doctor and trained by Dr.Young followed my progress with new blood tests which showed how my blood changed for the better – exactly as Dr. Young had told me it would.

At home I have been:

Eating alkaline food
Drinking 4 liters of Greens, and green milk every day
Exercising every day – running on the beach
Sitting in my infrared sauna
Jumbling on a rebounder
Using a nebulizer
Practicing yoga every week

And to this I have had:

Lymph massage and reflexology and talked with a psychologist and coach nearly every week to keep my mind focused on the positive choice, I have taken.

Sometimes when I feel it is hard work to do all this – I compare this with what I would have experienced if I had radiation and chemo.

My health is now much better than it was before, I sleep at night, my weight is stable, my lung capacity has grown – I feel so much more alive – which is hard to explain.  I have no signs that I’m sick with cancer and now I know I am not going to die of this cancer.

I think about how lucky I am. I have my family around me – supporting me – and my family and I had the chance to learn about this special approach for keeping the body in balance.

I am so grateful that I met Dr. Young and that he had time to support us and teach us about the program of the pH-Miracle.
More aboutReversing Metastatic Lung Cancer